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June 16, 2021

Title: How is the Church Viewed?
Topic: How is the Church Viewed?
Discussed by Savannah Kimberlin
with Barna Group (

Part 1 of 3

Barna Group, a social research company based in California, recently released new data on both Christian and non-Christian perceptions and expectations of Christian churches in Dallas-Fort Worth.

Savannah Kimberlin, Barna’s Director of Research Studies, has more details.

To review the latest poll by the Barna Group on this topic, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do residents in the DFW area have positive perceptions of the church in general?

Do Texans have a more positive feeling toward the church than other large cities in America? Savannah reminds us that Texas is part of the Bible Belt and it definitely affects the state’s culture.

Can this be extrapolated to Austin/Waco/Houston?

What was the most surprising revelation from this study?

In the recent poll by the Barna Group, did the unchurched in the DFW area express positive attitudes about the church being involved in the community?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What Should the Church Be Doing in the Community?
Topic: How is the Church Viewed?
Discussed by Savannah Kimberlin
with Barna Group (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In what ways did responders expect the church to be involved with those outside the church walls?

The Barna Group included millennials in their study. What issues did they find most important for the church to address? Savannah says this top three issues are: morality and values, reading and interpreting the Bible, and how to be a Christian in today’s society.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Will Church Goers Ever Return to Church?
Topic: How is the Church Viewed?
Discussed by Savannah Kimberlin
with Barna Group (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the church today in a different world with different people since the COVID-19 pandemic?

Do those who responded that they are not currently attending a church plan to attend in the future?

How can the church begin to minister to our changing needs? Savannah says: “Remember that people in the community are still looking to the church for hope, stability, and answers for life’s biggest questions.”

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