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December 17, 2020

Title: Pushing Transgenderism on Children and Teens
Topic: Transgender Issues
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

A High Court in the United Kingdom ruled it unlikely that minors suffering from gender dysphoria are able to give informed consent for hormone-blocking drugs. Ruth Institute Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., was greatly encouraged by this ruling.

However, in the United States of America, transgender activists are reaching and teaching children and teens at an alarming rate. Today, Dr. Morse discusses the tragic details.

Dr. Morse’s book, “The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are too many children and teens pushed into life-altering decisions by activists intent on promoting a cause? Is this usually done without the parents’ consent? Dr. Morse discusses “rapid onset gender dysphoria”.

How many millennials think they are transgender? Is this scientifically proven? Or is this culturally influenced?

Are clinics that target transgender children and teens often financially supported by the pharmaceutical industry?

Do millennials who take hormone-blocking drugs or undergo a full sex change often regret the decision?

Dr. Morse offers details about the United Kingdom court case regarding hormone-blocking drugs. Click here  for more information on the case.

How can parents protect their kids and teens from transgender activists? Dr. Morse has a stern warning: “Do NOT take them to a gender clinic.”

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