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May 14, 2020

Title: Should Surrogacy Be Praised?
Topic: Surrogacy
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Part 1 of 3

CNN’s Anderson Cooper recently announced the birth of his son, Wyatt, through a surrogate mother. While every life is precious, there are hidden dangers of surrogacy.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD, discusses these dangers on today’s program. Dr. Morse is the Founder of the Ruth Institute. She is passionate about equipping family advocates with the knowledge and confidence to defend the family at home and in the public square.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is gestational surrogacy? What is the difference between this and other types of surrogacy? Dr. Morse explains the genetic, gestational, legal, and social aspects of surrogacy.

What is “female erasure”? Where is the feminist outcry over the fact that many surrogate mothers are erased from the child’s life after they give birth?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Should Surrogacy Be Praised?
Topic: Surrogacy
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are multiple eggs used for a surrogate pregnancy? Dr. Morse describes the process of IVF.

What is the problem with using multiple eggs? Do many doctors urge selective abortion if several eggs are placed in the woman’s womb and all or part of them develop into a successful pregnancy?

Is “embryo adoption” a good alternative to destroying or freezing them?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Should Surrogacy Be Praised?
Topic: Surrogacy
Discussed by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
with The Ruth Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are children conceived through IVF more at risk for life-time health problems?

Can the surrogate mother change her mind before, during, or after birth?

What happens if the parents who requested a surrogate mother change their mind after the child is conceived? Must the surrogate mother abort the baby? Dr. Morse explains how many times there is a clause in the contract between the birth mother and the parents that an abortion is required for certain circumstances…

How much money is spent and/or made from surrogate pregnancies each year?

Should we, as Christians and pro-life advocates, seriously begin to question the modern technology used in gestational surrogacy? Dr. Morse says this: “We should be looking for other alternatives to fulfill our desire to become parents through Godly means.

Click here  for more information on this issue from the Ruth Institute.

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