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December 23, 2019

Title: US Army BANS Bible Verses on PRIVATE Dog Tags
Topic: Army Punishes Dog-Tag Maker
Discussed by Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
with Pray In Jesus Name (

The US Army has punished and revoked a 20-year contract with a private vendor who stamps Bible verses on optionally-purchased privately-crafted dog-tag-simulated jewelry.

Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt discusses how one anti-Christian person complained about this practice. Chaplain Klingenschmitt is a former Colorado State Representative and a US Air Force Academy graduate. He made national headlines for refusing to stop praying “in Jesus’ name” while as a Navy Chaplain, which lead to him being forced out of the US Navy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was placing a Bible verse on the back of private dog tags allowed for years?

Will military members and others be punished if they have a Bible verse put on their private dog tags?

Was there an avalanche of complaints against the placement of bible verses on the back of dog tags? Or was it a single complaint from one person? NOTE: The bully’s name is Mikey Weinstein.

Chaplain Klingenschmitt says this: “It takes somebody standing up and willing to fight.” Are you willing to fight?

Send your thoughts to the Public Affairs Chief for the US Army, Brigadier General Amy Hannah: Write something to the effect of: “Please restore the printing contract to Kenny Vaughn. His company should be allowed to place Bible verses on private dog tags issued to military members.”

Click here  to help support Chaplain Klingenschmitt and others fight this non-sense.

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