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August 26, 2019

Title: Hong Kong Demonstrations Wave US Flag
Topic: Hong Kong Demonstrations Wave US Flag
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

For many around the world, America and Great Britain are seen as a repressive force in history. Christians are attacked daily. Not so in Hong Kong, where thousands of people are demonstrating against the communist regime waving American flags and singing “Hallelujah to the Lord”!

Mark Tooley is the President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. He believes that we should be paying close attention to these demonstrations here in America.

You can read the full article by Mark Tooley here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Wy is Mark Tooley so passionate about the demonstrations in Hong Kong? Why should we care?

Is America today as oppressive as dictatorships in Red China, Cuba, Venezuela, and other countries?

How can seemingly powerless, ordinary people make claims against powerful dictatorships?

What do the “kneelers” at sporting events not understand about the freedoms we have in America today?

Should we stand in solidarity with the demonstrators in Hong Kong and pray for them?

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