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March 20, 2019

Title: E-15: Wrong In Many Ways
Topic: E-15 a Bad Idea
Discussed by Kenny Stein
with American Energy Alliance (

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Trump Administration recently proposed regulatory changes to reform aspects of RIN markets, allowing gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol to be sold during the summer months.

Kenny Stein is the Director of Policy and Federal Affairs for the American Energy Alliance. Listen as Kenny explains this new proposal and what it means for you and your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the difference between the E-10 ethanol blend and the E-15?

Are ALL gasoline-powered engines designed to use E-15 without experiencing harm?

What are some of the serious problems with ethanol? Are these issues discussed openly?

Why is it hard to find gasoline without ethanol?

Which offers better gas mileage: pure gasoline or ethanol?

Does ethanol “really” reduce emissions?

Are the ethanol barons and corn farmers too powerful for President Trump?

What has happened within the EPA itself concerning E-15?

Click here  for more information on this issue.

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