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March 6, 2019

Title: The Right Turn by the Methodist Church
Topic: Methodist Church and Homosexuality
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

United Methodists have upheld their denomination’s rules on sexual ethics, rejecting plans that would permit same-sex marriages and clergy to be sexually active outside of monogamous, heterosexual marriages.

Here with the details is Mark Tooley, the President of the IRD, and a member of the UMC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a delegate to the General Conference of the United Methodist Church?

At the General Conference, both pro-homosexual and traditional positions were presented. What is the difference in the two? Which position prevailed?

How is the UMC governed? Does Mark Tooley foresee a split in the future?

What about Methodist seminaries and colleges? What will happen to them?

What does Mark Tooley personally believe concerning this issue? Listen as he offers some advice and encouragement to other UMC members…

What does this vote mean for the Methodist Denomination as a whole?

Is the vote in favor of traditional marriage a sign that God is still in control and He still performs miracles?

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