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January 16, 2019

Title: Apologizing for Christianity
Topic: Apologizing for Christianity
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

The recent triennial Urbana student mission’s convo hosted by InterVarsity and attended by 10,000 young Christians and ministry leaders featured a video apology for Christianity. You can watch the video here

Today, Mark Tooley discusses the video and why Christians worldwide should be paying attention. Mark Tooley is the President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Urbana? Who typically attends?

Listen as Mark Tooley discusses details of the Urbana 18 video…

Throughout history, have too many Christians listened to false prophets disguised as men of God?

Were more Christians martyred during the 20th century than any other century? Has much of the church been silent?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Apologizing for Christianity
Topic: Apologizing for Christianity
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there any hope for the Church when 10,000 Christian millennials attend a conference where a video is played apologizing for Christianity?

Are too many Christians remaining silent about crimes and ongoing persecution globally?

What is the “religious left”?

Did Urbana leaders mention or speak on abortion, addiction, and human trafficking?

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