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October 26, 2020

Title: It’s Time for the Jews to Switch Parties
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

Part 1 of 3

The reason God put President Trump in office was to expose the corruption in both parties. Even with his imperfections, Donald Trump is God’s battering ram to make America great so we can have the Judeo-Christian religious freedom and economic freedom.

So how do we convince Jews in America to vote for President Donald Trump? Sid Roth has some suggestions. Sid started the “Messianic Vision” ministry in 1977.

To learn more about Sid Roth, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should Jews leave the Democrat Party?

Sid Roth firmly believes that God wants Trump to win re-election. What proof does he have?

Where does President Trump stand on these three issues:
Child sacrifice (Abortion)
Traditional marriage

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - It’s Time for the Jews to Switch Parties
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has any other President offered more support and love to Israel than Trump?

Is America still blessed by God?

How can God protect and bless the modern state of Israel that is, in essence, a secular nation?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - It’s Time for the Jews to Switch Parties
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We all know that President Trump is very outspoken and even harsh in his speech. Does Sid Roth believe that God chose Trump?

What is the Johnson Amendment? Is President Trump enforcing this amendment?

Why is Sid Roth so outspoken in support of President Trump?

Sid says in closing: “In November, I’m not voting for personality. I’m voting for issues. I’m voting for the Second Amendment. I’m voting for Capitalism and the American Dream. I’m voting for funding the police and for law and order. I’m voting for the military and the Veterans who fought for and died for this country. I’m voting to stop child sex trafficking. I’m voting for the freedom to worship in our churches and synagogues. I’m voting for our country to be pro-Israel. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for every unborn life. I’m voting for the flag. I’m voting for good against evil. I’m voting for One Nation Under God. I’m voting for our only choice: President Donald Trump.

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October 8, 2020

Title: It’s Time for the Jews to Switch Parties
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

Part 1 of 3

The reason God put President Trump in office was to expose the corruption in both parties. Even with his imperfections, Donald Trump is God’s battering ram to make America great so we can have the Judeo-Christian religious freedom and economic freedom.

So how do we convince Jews in America to vote for President Donald Trump? Sid Roth has some suggestions. Sid started the “Messianic Vision” ministry in 1977.

To learn more about Sid Roth, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should Jews leave the Democrat Party?

Sid Roth firmly believes that God wants Trump to win re-election. What proof does he have?

Where does President Trump stand on these three issues:
Child sacrifice (Abortion)
Traditional marriage

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - It’s Time for the Jews to Switch Parties
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has any other President offered more support and love to Israel than Trump?

Is America still blessed by God?

How can God protect and bless the modern state of Israel that is, in essence, a secular nation?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - It’s Time for the Jews to Switch Parties
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by Sid Roth
with Sid Roth (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We all know that President Trump is very outspoken and even harsh in his speech. Does Sid Roth believe that God chose Trump?

What is the Johnson Amendment? Is President Trump enforcing this amendment?

Why is Sid Roth so outspoken in support of President Trump?

Sid says in closing: “In November, I’m not voting for personality. I’m voting for issues. I’m voting for the Second Amendment. I’m voting for Capitalism and the American Dream. I’m voting for funding the police and for law and order. I’m voting for the military and the Veterans who fought for and died for this country. I’m voting to stop child sex trafficking. I’m voting for the freedom to worship in our churches and synagogues. I’m voting for our country to be pro-Israel. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for every unborn life. I’m voting for the flag. I’m voting for good against evil. I’m voting for One Nation Under God. I’m voting for our only choice: President Donald Trump.

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September 17, 2020

Title: Trump’s Middle East Breakthroughs
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

President Trump’s obvious progress making relations in the Middle East must be considered when looking at his overall record. Unlike his predecessors, he kept a campaign promise to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

David Rubin discusses more details about the recent peace deal and how President Trump has helped Israel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Trump had positive peace deals over the last four years?

Did Trump gather allies together to defeat ISIS in the Middle East?

How do the citizens of Israel view President Trump and America? David Rubin explains how Israelis love Trump and are very disturbed by what’s happening in America with the riots and looting and lies. He says: “What’s happening in America is basically a left-wing revolution in the making… That is something Americans should be very aware of and very wary about.”

More on David can be found here. Make sure you check out the bookstore and order a copy of “Trump and the Jews” today!

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April 24, 2019

Title: Why Did Millennials Vote For Netanyahu? (Safety…)
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

President Benjamin Netanyahu recently won another term in Israel. Why do people continue to love and vote for him?

Is President Donald Trump a racist for criticizing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar? Or is SHE the racist? David Rubin, author of “Trump and the Jews”, clearly states who is the racist.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Congresswoman Omar say that caused such a ruckus? Why did President Trump rebuke her statements?

Will President Trump’s haters hate him simply because they can – no matter what he does?

What is CAIR? Are they good or bad?

Is there any other religion in the world that attempts to control everyone else through violence?

Listen as David Rubin tells of the time he and his son were victims of a terror attack. Who helped them?

You can purchase a copy of “Trump and the Jews” here.

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November 16, 2018

Title: Trump and the Jews
Topic: Trump and the Jews
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

David Rubin has written a fantastic new book, “Trump and the Jews”. During this segment, David Rubin discusses details from the book.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do more Jews in Israel support President Trump as compared to Jews in America? Why?

Do many Jews hold Christians responsible for the holocaust?

Does President Trump have a good relationship with Jews in Israel?

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