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May 23, 2018

Title: Gaza: The Inconvenient Truth Arabs Fear Most
Topic: Gaza: The Truth
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Part 1 of 3

Despite Gaza's rich Jewish history, little is known of it to most people. The events unfolding today in Gaza now take preeminence, clouding perceptions that might otherwise be better shaped through a knowledge of history.

Although born and educated in England, Victor Sharpe is now a US citizen. He has several published books, including a collection of short stories under the title “The Blue Hour”. Victor is a highly acclaimed author concerning the threats of Islam to Israel and the Jude-Christian culture.

For more from Victor Sharpe and Renew America, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Victor Sharpe offers a detailed history of the Gaza area from Biblical times to just before 1967 using Biblical references…

During the entire history of Gaza (before recent times) were the Palestinians/Arabs ever in control?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Gaza: The Inconvenient Truth Arabs Fear Most
Topic: Gaza: The Truth
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many millennials do not know what really happened in Gaza in 1967. Listen as Victor Sharpe offers the truth…

Does the Gaza area have a military significance?

Are the rocket attacks on Israel from the Palestinian Authority considered acts of war on a civilian population? What about vice versa: Are the rockets launched from Gaza by Hamas and others considered act of war on a civilian population?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Gaza: The Inconvenient Truth Arabs Fear Most
Topic: Gaza: The Truth
Discussed by Victor Sharpe
with Renew America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does “politicide” mean? Click here to order all four volumes of Victor’s books on this subject.

When an Arab migrates/immigrates to a new land, do they claim the land in the name of Allah?

Have Arabs who have migrated to the US claimed the land in the name of Allah? Have they vowed to conquer all who will not bow to Allah?

What is “dhimmitude”?

Victor Sharpe also writes a monthly column for the “Buffalo Gap”.

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