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May 11, 2018

Title: Is Liberalism Shrinking Church Membership?
Topic: No Morality Killing the Church
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 2

What happens when you lock God out of the Church, rebuke the power of the Holy Spirit, and remove the purpose of the blood of the lamb from your songs?

Mark Tooley, a member of the United Methodist Church of America, will be discussing the controversy surrounding the denomination’s past and possible future decisions on several moral, Biblical issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the United Methodist Council of Bishops linger in prayer until they hear from God? Will they diligently and fervently search the Scriptures, with a heart open to the guidance from the Holy Spirit? Or, have they succumbed to the whiles of the devil, who says, “Thou shall surely not be condemned to an eternity apart from God because of your sexual sins”?

Will the United Methodist Council of Bishops green light church sanctions of sexual unions of any and all who come to the alter?

Will the United Methodist Council of Bishops green light church leaders to do whatever is right in their own eyes, with zero accountability?

How many Bishops live in America?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is Liberalism Shrinking Church Membership?
Topic: No Morality Killing the Church
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens when a church removes the fear of Hell from its preaching, redefines marriage/sexual relationships, and allows leaders to do whatever they want?

Has the definition of good and evil changed?

Are Christians now being called Nazis for our beliefs?

Mark has been fighting to save the United Methodist Church for decades. Does he see a glimmer of hope on the horizon?

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