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January 19, 2018

Title: What Matters Most
Topic: Loving God
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor Fleming, Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, began a new series sermon series on January 1 entitled “What Matters Most”. He began by preaching on the most important aspect of being a Christian: “Loving God”.

The Scripture passage Pastor Fleming uses is Mark 12, beginning in verse 28, which is the famous “Greatest Commandment” speech made by Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person when they finally let go and love God with their whole being?

Does the world have a backwards understanding of love?

Final thoughts:
Spend more time in His presence
Make His priorities your priorities
Live in obedience

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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January 18, 2018

Title: What Matters Most
Topic: Loving God
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor Fleming, Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, began a new series sermon series on January 1 entitled “What Matters Most”. He began by preaching on the most important aspect of being a Christian: “Loving God”.

The Scripture passage Pastor Fleming uses is Mark 12, beginning in verse 28, which is the famous “Greatest Commandment” speech made by Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are you having a difficult time loving others? Go to the source!

Pastor Fleming begins the segment today by offering a prayer for the New Year, encouraging us all to put God first in ALL things so that He may do a good work in us.

The world doesn’t know this kind of love. They haven’t experienced it. Be that love! First, receive the love from God. And then spread it to everyone you meet!

What would you do for love? Women, when you love your husband, you watch football with him, don’t you? Men – you watch Hallmark movies with your wife, right?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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January 17, 2018

Title: What Matters Most
Topic: Loving God
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor Fleming, Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, began a new series sermon series on January 1 entitled “What Matters Most”. He began by preaching on the most important aspect of being a Christian: “Loving God”.

The Scripture passage Pastor Fleming uses is Mark 12, beginning in verse 28, which is the famous “Greatest Commandment” speech made by Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you love God? Really and truly – do you?

That’s not really the real question, though. The real question is this: Do you love the Lord your God completely, unreservedly, and without hesitation, with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?

What does that kind of love look like? Pastor Fleming says that you must first look at the source of that love, because you cannot just make it happen. Listen as he explains, using 1 John 4:19 “We love because He first loved us.”

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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January 16, 2018

Title: What Matters Most
Topic: Loving God
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor Fleming, Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, began a new series sermon series on January 1 entitled “What Matters Most”. He began by preaching on the most important aspect of being a Christian: “Loving God”.

The Scripture passage Pastor Fleming uses is Mark 12, beginning in verse 28, which is the famous “Greatest Commandment” speech made by Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Greetings Cards. Those things are great, aren’t they? We search and search for the perfect card, with the best picture and the sentimental saying we wish to convey. But… do you still feel obligated to add your own personal thoughts to it? Listen as Pastor Fleming discusses this further…

You have to start right to finish well,” Pastor Fleming says. “If you climb the ladder of success only to discover that it is leaning on the wrong wall, you have wasted your climb.

Why is the greatest commandment “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength”?

Why is loving your neighbor the second greatest Commandment?

If we all followed these two Commandments at all times, would the world be a much better place?

How many Commandments are actually in the Old Testament? How many were “do this” and how many were “don’t do this”?

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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January 15, 2018

Title: What Matters Most
Topic: Loving God
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor Fleming, Senior Pastor at Champion Forest Baptist Church, began a new series sermon series on January 1 entitled “What Matters Most”. He began by preaching on the most important aspect of being a Christian: “Loving God”.

The Scripture passage Pastor Fleming uses is Mark 12, beginning in verse 28, which is the famous “Greatest Commandment” speech made by Jesus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Changes. New goals. New dreams. Exercising more. Eating better. Being a more involved parents. Each New Year brings promises to ourselves, our families, our bosses, and to God.

Pastor Fleming says this about resolutions: “Minor adjustments have long-term impact… You have all year to make those adjustments… Start with the big things because they produce the little things.”

Listen over the next week as Pastor Fleming elaborates on each of these “to-do” items.

Pastor David Fleming encourages you to visit Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston this Sunday! CFBC has Life Groups classes (Sunday School) for all ages and walks of life, including Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, as well as several service times and locations to choose from. For more information, click here.

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