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October 17, 2022

Title: Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Julie Lowe
with Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

New guest Julie Lowe is a faculty member at Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation and a licensed professional counselor with nearly twenty years of counseling experience. Today, Julie discusses her newest book, “Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids”.

Click here to learn more about Julie Lowe and for links to all of her books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some of the unique dangers that children face today that we didn’t face twenty or thirty years ago? Julie says: “Some things are new. Some things are old. But the principles are the same.”

Why do parents need to address and respond to safety issues with realism and faith, while keeping both in balance?

Does worrying increase safety? Julie explains why she believes that worrying actually decreases safety.

Is denying that danger exists dangerous?

Should children, from an early age, be taught about the dangers in this world?

Can the things we see on television be used to teach life lessons? Julie also offers other examples of activities we do every day that can be life lessons.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Julie Lowe
with Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some of the topics addressed for each age group in “Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids”? Julie discusses the importance of discerning behavior and knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Without being paranoid about everyone, what are some warning signs parents and grandparents should look for that indicate a child is being abused?

Stranger Danger” How did Julie address this subject with her own children?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Julie Lowe
with Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it important to talk about the “hard things” with our children and grandchildren? Julie has some great suggestions to begin the conversation, even when they are very young.

Technology can be a blessing and a curse for users of all ages. What guidelines does Julie recommend for phone usage and online access?

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December 27, 2018

Title: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Linda Harvey, with Mission: America, joins us for three segments today to help parents better protect their children from predators.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the homosexual movement had a huge impact on our culture today, specifically children and teens?

Does the LGBTQ community really want to do away with the “age of consent”?

According to Focus on the Family’s latest statistics, 1-in-3 girls and 1-in-6 boys are sexually assaulted before they reach the age of 18. Linda Harvey disputes these numbers. Why – and what does she think the real numbers are?

Fact or Fiction: Many adults who are homosexual were sexually abused as children or teens.

What are some of Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard Your Children from Predators”? Tune in to the next segment to find out!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The first item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: public school. Why?

Who is monitoring the adults that spend time with your children? Linda warns that educators, babysitters, coaches, and even your child’s friend’s parents are sometimes deviants in disguise.

Should parents report all suspicious activity?

The fourth item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: monitor your children’s friendships closely. Unfortunately, molestation by friends or their friend’s siblings is on the rise, specifically during sleepovers. It doesn’t matter if you have known the child and their family since birth – it is happening. Linda says to stop allowing sleepovers now. They are dangerous.

Should parents allow their children to become close friends with homosexuals or teens who are “gender confused”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In this last segment, Linda discusses the last six “Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators”: no social media or internet surfing, avoid predator-prone activities, take out the garbage, talk with your kids, work for stronger laws, and pray for God’s guidance.

Do you have protection for your children’s phone if it is lost, stolen, or broken? Yes, of course! Do you have a protection plan on your child’s internet and social media activity? Hopefully yes! Linda says that is not good enough – get rid of the internet all together. They may hate you, but it is for their own good! It can wait until they are adults.

What are predator-prone activities? Listen close – some may shock you!

What does Linda mean by “take out the garbage”? Is this connected to “work for stronger laws”?

Are “talking and praying with your kids” really the number one things parents should do to safeguard them from predators?

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August 22, 2018

Title: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Linda Harvey, with Mission: America, joins us for three segments today to help parents better protect their children from predators.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the homosexual movement had a huge impact on our culture today, specifically children and teens?

Does the LGBTQ community really want to do away with the “age of consent”?

According to Focus on the Family’s latest statistics, 1-in-3 girls and 1-in-6 boys are sexually assaulted before they reach the age of 18. Linda Harvey disputes these numbers. Why – and what does she think the real numbers are?

Fact or Fiction: Many adults who are homosexual were sexually abused as children or teens.

What are some of Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard Your Children from Predators”? Tune in to the next segment to find out!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The first item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: public school. Why?

Who is monitoring the adults that spend time with your children? Linda warns that educators, babysitters, coaches, and even your child’s friend’s parents are sometimes deviants in disguise.

Should parents report all suspicious activity?

The fourth item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: monitor your children’s friendships closely. Unfortunately, molestation by friends or their friend’s siblings is on the rise, specifically during sleepovers. It doesn’t matter if you have known the child and their family since birth – it is happening. Linda says to stop allowing sleepovers now. They are dangerous.

Should parents allow their children to become close friends with homosexuals or teens who are “gender confused”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In this last segment, Linda discusses the last six “Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators”: no social media or internet surfing, avoid predator-prone activities, take out the garbage, talk with your kids, work for stronger laws, and pray for God’s guidance.

Do you have protection for your children’s phone if it is lost, stolen, or broken? Yes, of course! Do you have a protection plan on your child’s internet and social media activity? Hopefully yes! Linda says that is not good enough – get rid of the internet all together. They may hate you, but it is for their own good! It can wait until they are adults.

What are predator-prone activities? Listen close – some may shock you!

What does Linda mean by “take out the garbage”? Is this connected to “work for stronger laws”?

Are “talking and praying with your kids” really the number one things parents should do to safeguard them from predators?

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January 25, 2018

Title: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Linda Harvey, with Mission: America, joins us for three segments today to help parents better protect their children from predators.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the homosexual movement had a huge impact on our culture today, specifically children and teens?

Does the LGBTQ community really want to do away with the “age of consent”?

According to Focus on the Family’s latest statistics, 1-in-3 girls and 1-in-6 boys are sexually assaulted before they reach the age of 18. Linda Harvey disputes these numbers. Why – and what does she think the real numbers are?

Fact or Fiction: Many adults who are homosexual were sexually abused as children or teens.

What are some of Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard Your Children from Predators”? Tune in to the next segment to find out!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The first item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: public school. Why?

Who is monitoring the adults that spend time with your children? Linda warns that educators, babysitters, coaches, and even your child’s friend’s parents are sometimes deviants in disguise.

Should parents report all suspicious activity?

The fourth item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: monitor your children’s friendships closely. Unfortunately, molestation by friends or their friend’s siblings is on the rise, specifically during sleepovers. It doesn’t matter if you have known the child and their family since birth – it is happening. Linda says to stop allowing sleepovers now. They are dangerous.

Should parents allow their children to become close friends with homosexuals or teens who are “gender confused”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In this last segment, Linda discusses the last six “Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators”: no social media or internet surfing, avoid predator-prone activities, take out the garbage, talk with your kids, work for stronger laws, and pray for God’s guidance.

Do you have protection for your children’s phone if it is lost, stolen, or broken? Yes, of course! Do you have a protection plan on your child’s internet and social media activity? Hopefully yes! Linda says that is not good enough – get rid of the internet all together. They may hate you, but it is for their own good! It can wait until they are adults.

What are predator-prone activities? Listen close – some may shock you!

What does Linda mean by “take out the garbage”? Is this connected to “work for stronger laws”?

Are “talking and praying with your kids” really the number one things parents should do to safeguard them from predators?

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November 16, 2017

Title: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Linda Harvey, with Mission: America, joins us for three segments today to help parents better protect their children from predators.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the homosexual movement had a huge impact on our culture today, specifically children and teens?

Does the LGBTQ community really want to do away with the “age of consent”?

According to Focus on the Family’s latest statistics, 1-in-3 girls and 1-in-6 boys are sexually assaulted before they reach the age of 18. Linda Harvey disputes these numbers. Why – and what does she think the real numbers are?

Fact or Fiction: Many adults who are homosexual were sexually abused as children or teens.

What are some of Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard Your Children from Predators”? Tune in to the next segment to find out!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The first item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: public school. Why?

Who is monitoring the adults that spend time with your children? Linda warns that educators, babysitters, coaches, and even your child’s friend’s parents are sometimes deviants in disguise.

Should parents report all suspicious activity?

The fourth item on Linda Harvey’s “Ten Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators” is: monitor your children’s friendships closely. Unfortunately, molestation by friends or their friend’s siblings is on the rise, specifically during sleepovers. It doesn’t matter if you have known the child and their family since birth – it is happening. Linda says to stop allowing sleepovers now. They are dangerous.

Should parents allow their children to become close friends with homosexuals or teens who are “gender confused”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Topic: Safeguarding your Kids from Predators
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In this last segment, Linda discusses the last six “Ways to Safeguard your Children from Predators”: no social media or internet surfing, avoid predator-prone activities, take out the garbage, talk with your kids, work for stronger laws, and pray for God’s guidance.

Do you have protection for your children’s phone if it is lost, stolen, or broken? Yes, of course! Do you have a protection plan on your child’s internet and social media activity? Hopefully yes! Linda says that is not good enough – get rid of the internet all together. They may hate you, but it is for their own good! It can wait until they are adults.

What are predator-prone activities? Listen close – some may shock you!

What does Linda mean by “take out the garbage”? Is this connected to “work for stronger laws”?

Are “talking and praying with your kids” really the number one things parents should do to safeguard them from predators?

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