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May 9, 2017

Title: The Spiritual Dimension of the Progressive’s Rage
Topic: Expose Liberal Hypocrisy
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 2

Liberals tout and shout equal rights to all – except when it comes to Christianity. Have they been seduced by the devil?

Linda Harvey is with Mission: America and hosts a talk show on Salem affiliate WRFD in Columbus, Ohio. Today, she will be discussing the liberal left and their hypocrisy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians being denied a voice?

Are there some on the Left who want to silence Christians?

Linda Harvey believes there are some on the Left who even wish us harm. Listen as she explains how their tactics are similar to Hitler’s Brown Shirts.

Do Liberals call evil “good” and good “evil”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Spiritual Dimension of the Progressive’s Rage
Topic: Expose Liberal Hypocrisy
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many of the protestors participating in anti-Christian rallies being manipulated and lied to?

Does Linda Harvey believe that some Liberal leaders have been hand-picked by Satan himself to destroy Christians and America?

Regardless of whether some leaders are working to destroy America intentionally or not, will they still be judged by God himself?

Is now the time for Christians to demand protection?

Should pastors start preaching against these Liberal haters?

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