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January 11, 2017

Title: Five Ways Companies Can be More Christian Friendly
Topic: Christian Shoppers
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 2

Will companies in America ever learn their lesson? Don’t discriminate against Christians. Target has already reported steep declines in sales after their acceptance of males into female restroom and changing facilities. Just recently, Kellog’s pulled all of their advertisements from the online news source Breitbart.

Linda Harvey has written an outstanding piece encouraging businesses to be more Christian-friendly. Today, she reviews this article in a two-part interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Target opened their women’s facilities to men and boys, with the potential of having women and girls exposed to men’s private parts. Was this good for Target’s bottom line?

Have too many corporations been bullied by the LGBTQ community?

What are some of the myths being pushed by the LGBTQ community?

Listeners: Send us your comments on the following questions asked to Linda Harvey. Should businesses be allowed to fire an employee who frequents gay bars on their own time?

Should businesses be allowed to fire an employee who leads or attends a Bible study (which teaches against homosexuality) on their own time?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Five Ways Companies Can be More Christian Friendly
Topic: Christian Shoppers
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If corporations are concerned with their image, shouldn’t they be offering a more “family-friendly” environment?

Who is a better (and nicer) employee: a homosexual or a heterosexual? Listen as Linda explains her answer…

The LGBTQ community is very effective and vocal at organizing and encouraging boycotts. Christians showed their support for Chick-Fil-A, but have fallen short with other boycotts.

How can Christians be more effective in expressing their opinion in order for companies to take notice?

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