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September 20, 2016

Title: Wealth Transfer to Big Grocers
Topic: Plastic Bag Ban
Discussed by Pamela Villarreal
with National Center For Policy Analysis

Recent polls indicate the majority of likely voters favor banning plastic bags, but do not want the grocers to pocket the windfall. But, why should we care? Don’t plastic bags help the environment? Pamela Villarreal, with the National Center for Policy Analysis, is here today to explain why we should all be paying attention to this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do big grocers favor bag bans?

What is the argument from environmentalists in favor of banning plastic bags?

How do voters feel about the plastic bag ban? How do the voters feel about the grocers keeping all of the profit, with none going back into the state of California or even to a private entity which aids the environment?

Are the environmental activists pushing to ban the use of plastic drinking bottles and other plastic soft drink bottles?

Some communities in Texas are catching the madness to ban plastic bags. Listen in as Pamela discusses the true impact plastic bags have on the environment and what she believes the future looks like.

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