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August 9, 2016

Title: War on Guns
Topic: War on Guns
Discussed by John Lott
with John Lott (

Part 1 of 2

Author John Lott is the nation’s leading authority on gun violence and mass shootings. He has written a great new book, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies”, which he will be discussing today over two segments.

Mark Levin, Constitutional Lawyer, New York Times bestselling author, and host of the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Mark Levin Show”, says this: “He destroys one myth after another. John Lott is a national treasure.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do mass shootings occur more in the U.S. than other developed countries?

Are other country’s gun control laws stricter than ours?

Did Australia’s gun laws make them safer? People are mistaken about the gun laws in Australia. Listen in as John Lott reveals the facts.

Will background checks on the private transfer of guns make us safer?

What is the biggest myth concerning gun control and gun laws?

Is Hillary lying about gun facts?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - War on Guns
Topic: War on Guns
Discussed by John Lott
with John Lott (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do “gun-free” zones make people safer?

Media bias is only making the matter worse. Listen in as John Lott explains how media bias affects the uniformed citizen and the facts about gun-free zones versus concealed handgun laws.

From 1950-2010, how many mass public shootings occurred in an area where general civilians are allowed to carry guns?

How many women in the United States now hold a concealed handgun permit?

Why are “Stand Your Ground” laws some of the best crime deterrents?

To order your copy of John Lott’s great new book, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies”, click here.

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