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June 29, 2016

Title: The Media Blames Christians
Topic: Media Blames Christians
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Christian Conservatives are being blamed for the Orlando Massacre. The MSM – even the Orlando police department – are making it appear so, anyway. When will the persecution and lies stop?

Linda Harvey, with Mission: America, says in her article “Does Gay-Activist Hate Cause Global Christian Persecution?   “You can blame Christians for the Orlando massacre only if you are deaf, dumb, and irrational, because it is clearly the crime of one man, ISIS ‘soldier’ Omar Mateen.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians at fault for causing Christian persecution?

One Wisconsin Democrat said this: “How many people have been driven to hate and act violently towards the LGBT community by ‘conservative Christian’ ideology?” Did Omar Mateen swear allegiance to Jesus Christ – or to Allah?

How did the MSM react when crazed homosexual activist Floyd Corkins committed a mass shooting at the Family Research Council building in 2012?

Fifty years ago, parents wouldn’t dream of saying, ‘I wish my kid was gay’. Now, parents are encouraging their kids – even toddlers! – to be transgender! Is God still in charge? After all, it was He who invented the rainbow.

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