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August 23, 2023

Title: UN Organizations Say: Legalize Pedophilia! We Say: Not on My Watch!
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

SHOCKING NEWS: On International Women’s Day, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) released a statement advocating for the decriminalization of sex with minors.

Yes, you read that correctly. And it should make your heart ache and stomach churn.

Click here to read the ICJ full report: “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”

Brad Mattes is the President of Life Issues. Today, Brad gives details of this horrific new development, urging Christians everywhere to pray without ceasing for the innocence of our children.

Click here to read the latest from Brad Mattes on this and other topics.

Click here for more on this serious issue from the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Click here to help Life Issues as they continue to fight for all life from the womb to the tomb.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is legalizing pedophilia the next line our perverse and godless culture is now crossing?

Why does the ICJ want to protect pedophiles and decriminalize their actions? Brad reveals that they truly believe criminal law can violate the rights of pedophiles. Absolutely sickening!

What about protecting the victims?

How can we stop this ever-deepening perversion? Is it our duty is to protect women and children, born and unborn, from all forms of violence and exploitation? Brad remembers the influence of his own parents and urges us to never stop praying for our children and grandchildren and teaching them the Truth of God’s Word.

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June 27, 2023

Title: UN Organizations Say: Legalize Pedophilia! We Say: Not on My Watch!
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

SHOCKING NEWS: On International Women’s Day, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) released a statement advocating for the decriminalization of sex with minors.

Yes, you read that correctly. And it should make your heart ache and stomach churn.

Click here to read the ICJ full report: “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”

Brad Mattes is the President of Life Issues. Today, Brad gives details of this horrific new development, urging Christians everywhere to pray without ceasing for the innocence of our children.

Click here to read the latest from Brad Mattes on this and other topics.

Click here for more on this serious issue from the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Click here to help Life Issues as they continue to fight for all life from the womb to the tomb.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is legalizing pedophilia the next line our perverse and godless culture is now crossing?

Why does the ICJ want to protect pedophiles and decriminalize their actions? Brad reveals that they truly believe criminal law can violate the rights of pedophiles. Absolutely sickening!

What about protecting the victims?

How can we stop this ever-deepening perversion? Is it our duty is to protect women and children, born and unborn, from all forms of violence and exploitation? Brad remembers the influence of his own parents and urges us to never stop praying for our children and grandchildren and teaching them the Truth of God’s Word.

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June 12, 2023

Title: UN Organizations Say: Legalize Pedophilia! We Say: Not on My Watch!
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

SHOCKING NEWS: On International Women’s Day, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) released a statement advocating for the decriminalization of sex with minors.

Yes, you read that correctly. And it should make your heart ache and stomach churn.

Click here to read the ICJ full report: “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”

Brad Mattes is the President of Life Issues. Today, Brad gives details of this horrific new development, urging Christians everywhere to pray without ceasing for the innocence of our children.

Click here to read the latest from Brad Mattes on this and other topics.

Click here for more on this serious issue from the Center for Family and Human Rights.

Click here to help Life Issues as they continue to fight for all life from the womb to the tomb.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is legalizing pedophilia the next line our perverse and godless culture is now crossing?

Why does the ICJ want to protect pedophiles and decriminalize their actions? Brad reveals that they truly believe criminal law can violate the rights of pedophiles. Absolutely sickening!

What about protecting the victims?

How can we stop this ever-deepening perversion? Is it our duty is to protect women and children, born and unborn, from all forms of violence and exploitation? Brad remembers the influence of his own parents and urges us to never stop praying for our children and grandchildren and teaching them the Truth of God’s Word.

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December 8, 2022

Title: Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Accept Pedophilia.
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Part 1 of 4

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Today, Linda Harvey discusses her latest articleTop 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Accept Pedophilia”. Linda is the Founder of Mission: America, an organization she started to bring awareness to the American people about many issues, including homosexuality, transgenderism, and pedophilia.

Click here to donate to Mission: America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is pedophilia being presented as respectable?

Are adults being groomed to accept and even participate in child sexual exploitation?

Is child sexualization being normalized in America? Linda explains how Planned Parenthood and LGBTQ activists are pushing child sexualization.

Why is it important for adults to understand that we are being groomed?

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Accept Pedophilia.
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are pedophiles working overtime to empower children with the right to grant consent for child-adult sex? Linda explains why she believes education counseling groups and healthcare providers are to blame.

Does the LGBTQ community intimidate and ridicule anyone who opposes them?

How is obscenity being presented to our children? Linda discusses why it’s important for parents to continue to fight back against pornographic material that is available to children and teens in public libraries across the nation.

Are more and more adults – even Christians – watching pornography on a regular basis?

Do many adults believe it is perfectly normal for children and teens to view pornography?

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Accept Pedophilia.
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The COVID lockdown gave parents – specifically mothers – a glimpse into what their children were actually learning (or not learning) through public education. Do more fathers need to become more involved?

If a Church is engaged on this issue, are they oftentimes too timid? Linda believes that too many pastors are scared to get involved – afraid of offending church members.

Are those who defend child innocence often called “racists”? Linda explains how this is straight from the Marxist handbook.

Are many children, tweens, and teens being recruited and indoctrinated by phony “support groups” in their school, community, and even church? Linda mentions The Trevor Project – urging parents to get it removed from their school immediately. (Click the article link above for more information about The Trevor Project.)

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Accept Pedophilia.
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Linda Harvey
with Mission: America  (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will the LGBTQ community ever be satisfied with the level of perversion people accept and allow? Linda explains how they are using “discrimination” as a defense for allowing young children to receive counseling without parental knowledge or consent.

Are young children or even teens capable of making major decisions about their sexual health and identity?

Why are more and more people accepting the LGBTQ community’s move to abolish age distinctions when it comes to sexual consent?

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June 6, 2016

Title: Journalist Wants Middle Ground with Child Molesters
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Erik Rush

Part 1 of 2

Erik Rush in an independent columnist and expert on sociopolitical issues. Today, Erik will discuss a very sensitive issue concerning adult-child sexual relationships and the left’s willingness – eagerness – to legitimize the perversion.

Case in point: Todd Nickerson, a writer for Salon, recently released a video wherein he admitted his sexual attraction to a five-year-old girl and attempted to justify those feelings to his audience. The video also promotes an online forum for pedophiles, which supposedly attempts to explain the “morality” of pedophilia.


1 in 3 girls and 1 in 4 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Are we ready to legitimize pedophilia?

Is Erik being demonized for even suggesting that “they” want to legitimize their perverted behavior?

How has America deviated so far from the pre-1960 sexual-revolution mores and morals of our grandparents?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Journalist Wants Middle Ground with Child Molesters
Topic: Pedophilia
Discussed by Erik Rush


From legalizing sodomy, to homosexual marriage, to troubled young boys and perverted men in female facilities, to legalizing adult-child sex…Where will it stop?

The LGBT Manifesto from 1972, with ideas many thought would never see the light of day, is quickly becoming a reality. When will their push stop?

Is it time that the “XY” portion of our population stood up and said, “Enough is enough”?

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