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March 31, 2016

Title: Is WW3 Staring us in the Face?
Topic: WW III Starting Before Our Eyes
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

John McTernan is founder of Defend and Proclaim the Faith Ministries During numerous appearances on television, radio, and in seminars, he has publicly defended Israel and spoken about events in the Middle East in light of Biblical prophecy. He is author of the best-selling book, “As America Has Done to Israel”.

John McTernan is with us today to discuss the serious reality we in America are facing as more radical Islamists move to our great country. For a variety of reasons, he believes we are on the verge of WW3. “It’s like a slow motion conversion that is going to end up in a huge explosion,” he states.

In regards to his lack of support for Israel, President Obama has only added to the demise that John foresees coming as detailed in the Bible. Listen in as John gives a specific example of devastation that occurred shortly after Obama gave a speech concerning the division of Israel.

In fact, John McTernan has been documenting natural disasters since 1991, and he has more examples in his book, “As America Has Done to Israel”. He believes the occurrences are more than just coincidence; it is God punishing America and specific people who deny Him and His land, Israel! “As we are touching Israel to divide the land, these terrible things happen to us…The Bible warns us not to,” John declares.

Even the New York Times and the Washington Post have seen the connection! Just a few days before 9/11, George W. Bush declared that America would recognize a Palestinian State. The attacks stopped the process, but we definitely reaped the devastating results of that proposal. Listen as John describes this event and why he believes they connected.

John McTernan also describes the influx of Muslims into European States – after they placed pressure of Israel to give the Palestinians their own land! Again, is it only coincidence or is God punishing the people of Europe with suicide bombers, massive rapes, and murders?

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