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March 1, 2016

Title: Should America Support Israel?
Topic: America, Israel, and Politics
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

The ever-increasing threat of ISIS has been a hot topic during the Presidential Debates. Also at the center of this issue is Israel. If you have been following the debates, you will know that two of the three GOP front-runners are big supporters of Israel. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are now slamming Donald Trump for a statement he made in regards to Israel, saying he would be “neutral” in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Largely due to his stance on illegal immigration, Trump is the favorite among many Conservatives, even Evangelicals. However, will his latest negative statement about Israel push more Christians toward Cruz or Rubio?

David Rubin, the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, is our expert consultant on issues regarding Israel and the Middle East. David completely understands Cruz and Rubio’s concern over the issue, especially since today is Super Tuesday; he believes their criticism is well-deserved. However, Elections are about more than just one issue. The people of Israel have a right to be apprehensive about the possibility of a “President Trump”, even though he was against the Iran Deal and has spoken out against the spread of radical Islam many times.

On the other hand, David firmly believes that a “President Hillary” or “President Bernie” could be absolutely catastrophic for Israel. In fact, David says, “Any of the three main candidates in the GOP race are all infinitely better for Israel and the free world than Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.” Wait – isn’t Bernie Sanders Jewish? Yes, but he doesn’t “identify much with Israel based on his positions and harsh criticisms,” David says. Listen in as David discusses more about this very important issue.

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