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November 11, 2015

Title: A Lone Democrat Making a Stand
Topic: Democrat Rebukes Obama
Discussed by Jennifer Burke
with The Politistick (

Americans are tired of the same old lies coming from Washington. Should Democrats and RINO Republicans just stop trying?

Since attending the first-ever Tea Party rally in Seattle several years ago, Jennifer Burke has quickly become a powerful speaker and writer. As the co-founder of Politistick, Jennifer has created a platform of hope for future generations.

Jennifer was shocked when Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) called President Obama crazy for sugar-coating Islamic Terrorism. Congresswoman Gabbard is a military veteran and second in command for the Democrat National Committee. Congresswoman Gabbard also questioned Obama’s placement of a “handful of troops” in Syria – even saying she believes Obama is working with ISIS!  Whoa there, Nelly!  Has she lost her mind?  Listen in closely as Jennifer Burke gives more juicy details!

Where is the Republican leadership during all this? When a Democrat Congresswoman beats down the President harder than most Republicans, there is something wrong. Jennifer poses this questions: “If you are not going to stand up for the citizens of America and our soldiers, what good are you?” Just don’t seek re-election. And if you do, know that your constituents are paying attention.

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