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September 11, 2015

Title: Changes at the Sheriff’s Office
Topic: Changes at the Sheriff’s Office
Discussed by Sheriff Ron Hickman
with Sheriff Ron Hickman (

There hasn’t always been the blatant animosity towards police officers as there is today. Even after the TSU riots in the late 60’s, Sheriff Ron Hickman felt safe and doesn’t recall hate slurs like many police officers have experienced lately. Too many men and women in uniform are being murdered by the very people they are trying to protect. It has to stop. We need to ensure that our officers are protected and respected.

This is why Sheriff Ron Hickman is making changes in the Sheriff’s Office. Before he took office, the Sheriff’s Office was in disarray and simply unacceptable. His first order of business was an audit of the personnel. He then began to look at how many detectives are investigating crimes. The unincorporated part of Harris County actually has more people than the City of Houston. However, you will be shocked to hear Sheriff Hickman reveal the devastatingly low amount of criminal investigators we have handling cases, especially when you compare those numbers to the City of Houston.

Listen in as Sheriff Ron Hickman discusses his plan of action and what has already been done to combat the problems.

FACTS: The clearance rate (cases solved) for murders in Harris county in 2013 (before Sheriff Hickman took office) was a mere 37 percent, robberies was 9 percent, assault cases was 41 percent, and burglaries and auto theft were a whopping 3 percent each. Unacceptable.

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