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August 7, 2015

Title: There is No Gay Gene
Topic: No Homosexual Gene
Discussed by David H. Pickup
with David H. Pickup (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

We have done quite a bit of programming lately on the homosexual and transgender agenda. This is a very important issue that we must all be discussing. If we stop fighting the LGBT agenda, they win and our country will never, ever be the same again. We must stop them now before it’s too late.

David H. Pickup  is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He says there is absolutely NOT a “gay gene” and explains how he has come to this conclusion. Even the APA has admitted that there isn’t a gay gene! David explains why he believes, from a Christian point of view, we must spread the truth about homosexuality to everyone. He also compares race to homosexuality. Race, for example, is in-born: you are born the race you are. Homosexuality, however, is not in-born: you choose to be gay; you are NOT born this way.

What about reparative therapy? A number of states have outlawed the practice because the left has convinced elected official it is “damaging” and a type of “bullying”. David has testified in nearly a dozen states concerning this issue. Listen in as he explains how religious liberties are being violated and sexual abuse could go unreported when therapy is suppressed. David recommends two great websites for more information on reparative therapy: The NARTH Institute  and Voices of Change.

Finally, David Pickup discusses how we can educate elected officials on this issue. He says we must – we must! –tell them to allow reparative therapy. Go to David’s website  for more information.

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