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January 12, 2017

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


We don’t praise God because he needs His ego stroked. We praise Him because He is worthy of it.

Are you where you want to be in Christ? Are you happy? Are you satisfied? We long for something more. God made us to be with Him. To love Him. To be in fellowship with Him. There is more to life and that is to be with Him.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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January 11, 2018

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Even Kanye West and Jay-Z recognize that there is a God. Even they realize that there is right and wrong in the world. And they wrote a song about it! (Mark used an excerpt from the song in his sermon which you can hear in this segment.)

Mark also talks about “human uniqueness”. We are different from the birds in the air and the beasts in the field. Humans may be different in race, sex, class, and religious belief, but there is one constant: There is something special about every human being, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Every person is special.

Furthermore, it is impossible to love someone without knowing the love of God. You may say you love your spouse and your kids, even your friends. But without knowing the loving kindness and forgiveness of the One who made you, you cannot truly love someone else.

If there’s no God, love is just some chemical reaction in our brains,” Mark says. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Mark’s sermon.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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January 10, 2018

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Today’s segment is a bit…..odd. Mark uses Adolph Hitler, Herbert Spencer, and even Kanye West and Jay-Z as examples. What? Why on earth would he use these men to argue in FAVOR of God? Just listen in….it all makes sense. Trust me.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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January 9, 2018

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Why are things the way that they are? Why are we made the way we are? Why is life the way it is? What makes the most sense? Mark poses all these questions (and more!) to help his explanation of why God is real.

First, Mark believes in objective morality. There are definite black and white issues. Second, he talks about human uniqueness. There are differences between humans and dogs, for instance. Third, he believes in love as something more than “ooey-gooey feelings” (this is a direct quote from Mark).

Listen in as Mark gives two more reasons. Do they make more sense with or without a God?

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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January 8, 2018

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week will be airing portions of his sermon. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Mark reminds us early in the sermon this week of the Apostle Peter, the one who walked on water with Jesus. Peter said, “Believers should, in our hearts, honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it in gentleness and respect.

There are two kinds of evidence in law: direct and circumstantial. They are both acceptable, valid, and allowed in a court of law. When it comes to Christianity and out faith, which will people believe? Can you defend Christ to others? Can you defend God to yourself?

Note: If you’ve ever wanted to know a little bit about why Mark is a lawyer, yet knows so much about the Bible and Biblical languages, listen in as he shares some of his story with the congregation of Fallbrook Church.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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March 10, 2017

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


We don’t praise God because he needs His ego stroked. We praise Him because He is worthy of it.

Are you where you want to be in Christ? Are you happy? Are you satisfied? We long for something more. God made us to be with Him. To love Him. To be in fellowship with Him. There is more to life and that is to be with Him.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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March 9, 2017

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Even Kanye West and Jay-Z recognize that there is a God. Even they realize that there is right and wrong in the world. And they wrote a song about it! (Mark used an excerpt from the song in his sermon which you can hear in this segment.)

Mark also talks about “human uniqueness”. We are different from the birds in the air and the beasts in the field. Humans may be different in race, sex, class, and religious belief, but there is one constant: There is something special about every human being, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Every person is special.

Furthermore, it is impossible to love someone without knowing the love of God. You may say you love your spouse and your kids, even your friends. But without knowing the loving kindness and forgiveness of the One who made you, you cannot truly love someone else.

If there’s no God, love is just some chemical reaction in our brains,” Mark says. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Mark’s sermon.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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March 8, 2017

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Today’s segment is a bit…..odd. Mark uses Adolph Hitler, Herbert Spencer, and even Kanye West and Jay-Z as examples. What? Why on earth would he use these men to argue in FAVOR of God? Just listen in….it all makes sense. Trust me.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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March 7, 2017

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Why are things the way that they are? Why are we made the way we are? Why is life the way it is? What makes the most sense? Mark poses all these questions (and more!) to help his explanation of why God is real.

First, Mark believes in objective morality. There are definite black and white issues. Second, he talks about human uniqueness. There are differences between humans and dogs, for instance. Third, he believes in love as something more than “ooey-gooey feelings” (this is a direct quote from Mark).

Listen in as Mark gives two more reasons. Do they make more sense with or without a God?

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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March 6, 2017

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week will be airing portions of his sermon. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Mark reminds us early in the sermon this week of the Apostle Peter, the one who walked on water with Jesus. Peter said, “Believers should, in our hearts, honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it in gentleness and respect.

There are two kinds of evidence in law: direct and circumstantial. They are both acceptable, valid, and allowed in a court of law. When it comes to Christianity and out faith, which will people believe? Can you defend Christ to others? Can you defend God to yourself?

Note: If you’ve ever wanted to know a little bit about why Mark is a lawyer, yet knows so much about the Bible and Biblical languages, listen in as he shares some of his story with the congregation of Fallbrook Church.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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April 17, 2015

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


We don’t praise God because he needs His ego stroked. We praise Him because He is worthy of it.

Are you where you want to be in Christ? Are you happy? Are you satisfied? We long for something more. God made us to be with Him. To love Him. To be in fellowship with Him. There is more to life and that is to be with Him.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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April 16, 2015

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Even Kanye West and Jay-Z recognize that there is a God. Even they realize that there is right and wrong in the world. And they wrote a song about it! (Mark used an excerpt from the song in his sermon which you can hear in this segment.)

Mark also talks about “human uniqueness”. We are different from the birds in the air and the beasts in the field. Humans may be different in race, sex, class, and religious belief, but there is one constant: There is something special about every human being, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Every person is special.

Furthermore, it is impossible to love someone without knowing the love of God. You may say you love your spouse and your kids, even your friends. But without knowing the loving kindness and forgiveness of the One who made you, you cannot truly love someone else.

If there’s no God, love is just some chemical reaction in our brains,” Mark says. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Mark’s sermon.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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April 15, 2015

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Today’s segment is a bit…..odd. Mark uses Adolph Hitler, Herbert Spencer, and even Kanye West and Jay-Z as examples. What? Why on earth would he use these men to argue in FAVOR of God? Just listen in….it all makes sense. Trust me.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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April 14, 2015

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week we will be airing portions of his sermon each day. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Why are things the way that they are? Why are we made the way we are? Why is life the way it is? What makes the most sense? Mark poses all these questions (and more!) to help his explanation of why God is real.

First, Mark believes in objective morality. There are definite black and white issues. Second, he talks about human uniqueness. There are differences between humans and dogs, for instance. Third, he believes in love as something more than “ooey-gooey feelings” (this is a direct quote from Mark).

Listen in as Mark gives two more reasons. Do they make more sense with or without a God?

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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April 13, 2015

Title: Why do you Believe in God?
Topic: Mark Lanier Sermons
Discussed by  M. Lanier
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

A few weeks ago, Mark Lanier had the honor to be a guest speaker at Fallbrook Church, located in Northwest Harris County off Cypress Creek Parkway and Walters Rd. This week will be airing portions of his sermon. You can learn more about Fallbrook Church [here].


Mark reminds us early in the sermon this week of the Apostle Peter, the one who walked on water with Jesus. Peter said, “Believers should, in our hearts, honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it in gentleness and respect.

There are two kinds of evidence in law: direct and circumstantial. They are both acceptable, valid, and allowed in a court of law. When it comes to Christianity and out faith, which will people believe? Can you defend Christ to others? Can you defend God to yourself?

Note: If you’ve ever wanted to know a little bit about why Mark is a lawyer, yet knows so much about the Bible and Biblical languages, listen in as he shares some of his story with the congregation of Fallbrook Church.

If you do not have a church home, Mark invites you to come to Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Attend the early service at 9:30 AM and then go the Family Life Center (located near the center of the church building) for his Life Group class, which begins at 11 AM. Mark’s class averages about 800 people every Sunday, so don’t be shy! Come and join them this Sunday!

Listen in every day to hear a portion of Mark’s lesson.

Remember, you can order a copy of his new book, “Christianity on Trial”, directly from the publisher [here].

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