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April 7, 2015

Title: Religious and Speech Freedoms Always A Struggle
Topic: Religious and Speech Freedom
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

We have been witnessing attack after attack on religious freedom and freedom of speech during the last decade in America, specifically against Christians. Mark Tooley, with the Institute on Religion and Democracy, says, “It seems that perhaps we are reaching a point in American that Christians do not have the full social, political, and economic liberty to express their views, especially on sexual issues.”

Christians, however, have always experienced persecution. He continues to explain how, in his opinion, we are definitely not in the worst of times, using the Methodist church and their stance against slavery, saloons, gambling, and “other things” as an example.

So, what’s in store for Christians in the future? “A society – or even worse, the government – that allows social intolerance to suppress private opinion will ultimately become a tyrannical and oppressive society, not just to Christians, but to all people,” Mark declares. We all must stand up for freedom of speech and religious freedom.

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