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March 17, 2016

Title: Who was St. Patrick?
Topic: St. Patrick
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Learn the TRUTH about Saint Patrick. It’s not about wearing green and pinching people who aren’t. It definitely isn’t about drinking green beer and eating corned beef.

This year, St. Patrick's Day is on Thursday, March 17. Easter is only ten days later on March 27. Together, they provide teachable moments in public schools to promote cultural literacy. However, there are some little known fact that kids won't learn in school.

Did you know that Saint Patrick was the first person in history to speak out against slavery?

Did you know that he was a slave himself who was captured as a very young boy and sent to Ireland to work as shepherd?

Did you know that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrating this great man’s DEATH?

Eric Buehrer is the President and Founder of Gateways to Better Education. Eric explains how Saint Patrick was an honorable man – a Christian – who is credited with bringing the Gospel to Ireland. After he escaped slavery, he became a priest and went back to his captors to preach the Gospel! “Thanks to Saint Patrick, sometime during his lifetime or shortly after his death, slavery was abolished in Ireland,” Eric points out.

Of course, none of this is taught in public schools! Saint Patrick’s life is such an important part of history and it deserves to be recognized. He planted over 300 churches and monasteries. He baptized over 120,000 people. “He completely transformed Ireland,” Eric says.

Click here  for more information about Saint Patrick.

For handouts to distribute in YOUR public school about EASTER, click here.

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March 16, 2016

Title: Who was St. Patrick?
Topic: St. Patrick
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Learn the TRUTH about Saint Patrick. It’s not about wearing green and pinching people who aren’t. It definitely isn’t about drinking green beer and eating corned beef.

This year, St. Patrick's Day is on Thursday, March 17. Easter is only ten days later on March 27. Together, they provide teachable moments in public schools to promote cultural literacy. However, there are some little known fact that kids won't learn in school.

Did you know that Saint Patrick was the first person in history to speak out against slavery?

Did you know that he was a slave himself who was captured as a very young boy and sent to Ireland to work as shepherd?

Did you know that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrating this great man’s DEATH?

Eric Buehrer is the President and Founder of Gateways to Better Education. Eric explains how Saint Patrick was an honorable man – a Christian – who is credited with bringing the Gospel to Ireland. After he escaped slavery, he became a priest and went back to his captors to preach the Gospel! “Thanks to Saint Patrick, sometime during his lifetime or shortly after his death, slavery was abolished in Ireland,” Eric points out.

Of course, none of this is taught in public schools! Saint Patrick’s life is such an important part of history and it deserves to be recognized. He planted over 300 churches and monasteries. He baptized over 120,000 people. “He completely transformed Ireland,” Eric says.

Click here  for more information about Saint Patrick.

For handouts to distribute in YOUR public school about EASTER, click here.

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March 13, 2015

Title: The Meaning of St. Patrick's Day
Topic: St. Patrick
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Kidnapped at age 16 and held for 6 years until he escaped. Praying daily for his release, and after 6 years in captivity, he finally escaped and made his way home. But he felt God’s calling on his life, and returned to the land and to the people that held in captive for 6 years, converting, some say, over 120,000 heathens to belief in God, and established over 300 churches.

What do our public schools teach about St. Patrick? Probably nothing. Many in Christian school or even home school do not know the real meaning behind St. Patrick’s Day. It may surprise you to know that the holiday is not about leprechauns and green beer. It’s about God’s love and saving grace.

This is a great segment to listen to with your kids of all ages! Click [here] for more on St. Patrick’s Day and other holidays.

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February 20, 2015

Title: The Meaning of St. Patrick's Day
Topic: St. Patrick
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Kidnapped at age 16 and held for 6 years until he escaped. Praying daily for his release, and after 6 years in captivity, he finally escaped and made his way home. But he felt God’s calling on his life, and returned to the land and to the people that held in captive for 6 years, converting, some say, over 120,000 heathens to belief in God, and established over 300 churches.

What do our public schools teach about St. Patrick? Probably nothing. Many in Christian school or even home school do not know the real meaning behind St. Patrick’s Day. It may surprise you to know that the holiday is not about leprechauns and green beer. It’s about God’s love and saving grace.

This is a great segment to listen to with your kids of all ages! Click [here]  for more on St. Patrick’s Day and other holidays.

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