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January 20, 2015

Title: Texas Budget
Topic: Texas Government Spending
Discussed by The Honorable Talmadge Heflin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Honorable Talmadge Heflin, Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, explains how different departments submit their request for money. Most high-ball the amount, knowing they will never get as much as they petition for. This is why so many in the education field, for example, cry foul every year because the lawmakers “cut their budget”. No, they didn’t “cut” anything; they simply said “you don’t need that much”!

Talmadge served as chairman of the Texas House Committee on appropriations during the 78th legislative session. The legislature that session had about $10 billion less to spend that year than the previous one. He discusses how they were able to do this. It was hard, but they buckled down and got it done!

Listen in as Talmadge also explains the “Penny Plan” and why it should be implemented in every state and especially for the national budget.  Fro more information  click  [here].

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