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December 13, 2016

Title: Christmas in Your Classroom
Topic: Christmas is Good for Public Schools
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

At Christmastime, teachers are often fearful of incorporating religious activities into their lessons. Likewise, school administrators under the impression that they cannot wish a student “Merry Christmas” or allow students to talk about Jesus openly to their friends.

Eric Buehrer, with Gateways to Better Education, has the answers to all your questions. For more information, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can public teachers in public schools teach about the religious aspects of holidays as an important part of learning about American culture?

Can music, art, literature, and drama classes allow religious themes?

Can students sing Christmas carols, including songs about Jesus? Can a nativity scene be place on public property?

Listen in as Eric Buehrer quotes directly from a case concerning this issue.

Has the ACLU ever distributed false information, intimidating school districts concerning Christmas songs, decorations, and lessons?

In an open assignment, can students write or speak about the personal beliefs about Christmas? This can get kind of tricky, so pay close attention to Eric’s answer.

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December 9, 2014

Title: Christmas Grinches in Public Schools
Topic: Christmas is Good for Public Schools
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

At Gateways to Better Education (, they strive to create a better future for our children by keeping God in public schools. They give confidence to teachers and school administrators, while helping parents navigate the public school system so their children can graduate with faith and values intact.

Eric Buehrer says your kids have the right to be bold and stand up for their faith in their public school, especially at Christmastime. The Grinches come out every year, bullying Christians into silence. But, as Eric points out, the courts have ruled time and time again that students and teachers have the right to talk about Jesus and sing Christmas “hymns” at Christmastime.

In Texas, we have a “Merry Christmas Law”, which allows students and teachers to distribute religious cards at Christmastime. Eric says do not allow anyone to bully your child into thinking they cannot give out a candy cane or invitation to a Christmas play – they can! And they should!

What about school assignments, artwork, reading materials, and even clothing? Yes, yes, yes, and yes! They are all protected and allowed in public schools!

To learn more about the Constitutional rights of students, teachers, and public schools to seasonal religious expression, click [here].

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