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November 14, 2014

Title: Will Zombie Politicians Stick it to the Taxpayers?
Topic: Zombie Politicians
Discussed by Senator Jim DeMint
with Senator Jim DeMint (

Over 60 “Zombie Politicians” have one last chance to stick it to the taxpayers who rejected them at the polls. The upcoming “lame-duck” session will give them the opportunity to raise taxes and vote on critical security measures that could have potentially devastating effects on the good people of America.

Years ago, the lame duck session was used for emergency legislation purposes only. However, in recent years, the session has been abused to pass laws regarding treaties with Russia, appointing leftist Judges for Obama, and raising taxes.

Obama has promised that he will use his executive power to pass amnesty legislation, granting citizenship to upwards of 6.5 MILLION illegals. Will Harry Reid and his buddies move on this? Can the Republican-controlled House stop them? Will the newly elected Republicans be able to reverse it, if passed, in January?

Democrats will do everything it takes to get their legislation passed. They proved this when the threatened to shut down the government if Obamacare wasn’t passed – and Republicans got blamed for it! Senator Jim DeMint encourages voters to stay involved and stay in contact with their elected officials, especially between now and January to ensure the Democrats don’t take advantage of the lame duck session.

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