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September 11, 2014

Title: Ten Bi-Partisan "No-Brainer" Bills Congress Should Pass
Topic: Do-Nothing Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 3

The current members of Congress have been sitting on their duffs for far too long. It is way past time for them to act – on something – anything. Please just show us that you still know how to do your job – or at least pretend to.

Pete Sepp, with the National Taxpayers Union, says there are ten bi-partisan bills just waiting – begging – to be looked at and passed. One such bill is HR916 which suggests that the government set up an asset inventory department, allowing the Secretary of the Interior to maintain and track federally owned land. You might be thinking “What?!?! The government doesn’t already keep track of this?” The answer is “NO!” It’s no wonder our government is so out of touch!

Another bill, HR6, would give way to thousands upon thousands of jobs – nearly 45,000 jobs – to streamline the process for current and future liquefied natural gas export applications. In other words, individual states and even the federal government could make millions, if not billions, of beautiful dollars if we were allowed to export our natural gas resources to other countries that so desperately need energy. This would also strengthen our economic and political ties around the world.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Ten Bi-Partisan "No-Brainer" Bills Congress Should Pass
Topic: Do-Nothing Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

The Marketplace Fairness Act is a law enacted by the federal government which places different taxes on companies in different states. There is a new bill, HR3086, that Pete says is different than The Marketplace Fairness Act. HR3086, or the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act, would prohibit internet companies from placing unnecessary taxes on consumers and businesses. Pete Sepp explains the difference. HR3086 has already passed the House; it just needs permission from the Senate. Let’s get it done, folks! Time is running out! The current ban on internet taxes is set to expire November 1. Call your Congressman to tell them to put HR3086 to vote now! And to vote in FAVOR!

Another great bi-partisan bill Congress needs to act on swiftly is the Transparent Airfares Act, HR4156. When you purchased your last airplane ticket, where did all the taxes and fees money actually go? Don’t know? That’s because it’s not currently disclosed to consumers! HR4156 would require airlines to disclose where taxes and fees are dispersed for every ticket purchased. Sometimes this is 20% of your ticket price for a domestic flight! Wouldn’t you like to know if that “passenger security” fee is actually going to make your flight more secure? Maybe it’s going to clean the toilet!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Ten Bi-Partisan "No-Brainer" Bills Congress Should Pass
Topic: Do-Nothing Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

In this last segment, Pete Sepp, with the National Taxpayers Union, discusses HR2575, the Save American Workers Act. Under Obamacare, the new work week is categorized as 30 hours. Great, right? NO! Absolutely the opposite! This doesn’t mean that you can now work 30 hours and get paid the same. This means that employers are not responsible for providing insurance for employees who were once considered part-time workers. So employers are now cutting back hours, laying off workers, not hiring more workers, or raising prices for their goods to pass along to consumers. The Save American Workers Act would redefine the “30 hour work week” within Obamacare. This one is a “must pass” bill.

Also discussed in this last segment are HR1423 The Taxpayer’s Right-To-Know Act, HR2429 The Death Tax Repeal Act, and HR2638 The Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act. Listen in to hear more about these and the other Ten Bi-Partisan “No-Brainer” Bills Congress Should Pass before they recess for the mid-term elections.

As always, you can learn more about financial issues facing our nation at

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