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July 18, 2014

Topic: The Impossible Made Possible
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 5

Pastor David Fleming has been the senior pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church since 2006. His passion is to preach God's word in a way that will disciple, equip, build, and lead the Body of Christ, so they can reach and win the lost for Jesus Christ. David and his wife, Beverly, have three children, Jonathon, Hannah, and Rebekah.

NOTE: This week’s sermon is from May 4, 2014, entitled: “The Impossible Made Possible”.

How to find an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ possible:
At the beginning of the day, acknowledge the Lord.
Throughout the day, practice His presence.
At the end of the day, take time to reflect.

Does God have instant access to your life? Can He interrupt you, no matter what, no questions asked?

For the video of this sermon, click [here].

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, and would like more information about how to become a Christian, please call Champion Forest Baptist Church. They would be more than willing to pray with you. Call (281) 440-3800.

If you do not have a church home, consider visiting Champion Forest. They offer both English and Spanish services on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Visit their website  for more information.

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July 17, 2014

Topic: The Impossible Made Possible
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 4

Pastor David Fleming has been the senior pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church since 2006. His passion is to preach God's word in a way that will disciple, equip, build, and lead the Body of Christ, so they can reach and win the lost for Jesus Christ. David and his wife, Beverly, have three children, Jonathon, Hannah, and Rebekah.

NOTE: This week’s sermon is from May 4, 2014, entitled: “The Impossible Made Possible”.

In yesterday’s segment, Pastor Fleming reminded us that Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus, and in order to do that, we must remain in constant communication with Him.

He talks about the “I am the Vine, you are the branches” parable. Jesus could do it on His own. He doesn’t need us. The vine is the important part; the branch just kind of sits there. If it weren’t for the vine, the branch would not exist.

What is Pastor Fleming trying to say here? If we stay connected to the vine, then fruit is naturally produced as we abide in Christ. The branch does not produce the fruit; rather it is just a channel for the vine to produce the fruit.

How is your fruit? Is it fresh? Withering? Fake? What do others see when they look at your life?

For the video of this sermon, click [here].

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, and would like more information about how to become a Christian, please call Champion Forest Baptist Church. They would be more than willing to pray with you. Call (281) 440-3800.

If you do not have a church home, consider visiting Champion Forest. They offer both English and Spanish services on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Visit their website  for more information.

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July 16, 2014

Topic: The Impossible Made Possible
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 3

Pastor David Fleming has been the senior pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church since 2006. His passion is to preach God's word in a way that will disciple, equip, build, and lead the Body of Christ, so they can reach and win the lost for Jesus Christ. David and his wife, Beverly, have three children, Jonathon, Hannah, and Rebekah.

NOTE: This week’s sermon is from May 4, 2014, entitled: “The Impossible Made Possible”.

In yesterday’s segment, Pastor Fleming reminded us that Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus, and in order to do that, we must remain in constant communication with Him.

He talks about the “I am the Vine, you are the branches” parable. Jesus could do it on His own. He doesn’t need us. The vine is the important part; the branch just kind of sits there. If it weren’t for the vine, the branch would not exist.

What is Pastor Fleming trying to say here? If we stay connected to the vine, then fruit is naturally produced as we abide in Christ. The branch does not produce the fruit; rather it is just a channel for the vine to produce the fruit.

How is your fruit? Is it fresh? Withering? Fake? What do others see when they look at your life?

For the video of this sermon, click [here].

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, and would like more information about how to become a Christian, please call Champion Forest Baptist Church. They would be more than willing to pray with you. Call (281) 440-3800.

If you do not have a church home, consider visiting Champion Forest. They offer both English and Spanish services on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Visit their website  for more information.

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July 15, 2014

Topic: The Impossible Made Possible
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 2

Pastor David Fleming has been the senior pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church since 2006. His passion is to preach God's word in a way that will disciple, equip, build, and lead the Body of Christ, so they can reach and win the lost for Jesus Christ. David and his wife, Beverly, have three children, Jonathon, Hannah, and Rebekah.

NOTE: This week’s sermon is from May 4, 2014, entitled: “The Impossible Made Possible”.

Preface for today’s segment: Are you constantly connected? Have you ever left your cell phone at home and felt weird all day long, wondering who has texted or called you? What in the world is going on Facebook and Twitter? Will you survive the day???

You are not a Christian because you follow a list of do’s and don’ts or because you go to church or because you went to church as a child. You are a Christian because you have confessed your sins and accepted the sacrifice Jesus Christ gave to you on the cross.

Failure is eminent if we live a life that is contrary to what God has designed for us. Pastor Fleming gives some “Principles of Abiding” this week to make “The Impossible, Possible”. To abide means to stay constantly connected, always in conversation.

Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus. This is not a big “duh” moment for us. But sometimes the most obvious thing is the one that must be repeated over and over again

For the video of this sermon, click [here].

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, and would like more information about how to become a Christian, please call Champion Forest Baptist Church. They would be more than willing to pray with you. Call (281) 440-3800.

If you do not have a church home, consider visiting Champion Forest. They offer both English and Spanish services on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Visit their website  for more information.

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July 14, 2014

Title: The Impossible Made Possible
Topic: The Impossible Made Possible
Discussed by Pastor David Fleming
with Champion Forest Baptist Church (

Day 1

Pastor David Fleming has been the senior pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church since 2006. His passion is to preach God's word in a way that will disciple, equip, build, and lead the Body of Christ, so they can reach and win the lost for Jesus Christ. David and his wife, Beverly, have three children, Jonathon, Hannah, and Rebekah.

Note: This week’s sermon is from May 4, 2014, entitled: “The Impossible Made Possible”.

Being a Christian is not about a list of do’s and don’ts. It’s about a dynamic, flowing relationship that has more to do with our attitude and motivation that what we do.

So, why do we do what we do? Is it worth it? If it’s so hard, why bother? Because, iIf you really think about it, Christianity is impossible.

It doesn’t matter how many Christian books you read or how many solos you sing or how many weeks you volunteer to rock those babies in the nursery. The Christian life is impossible.

Listen in as Pastor Fleming talks about how the apostles must have felt that Thursday night before Jesus was handed over to the soldiers.

Tune in the rest of the week to hear how you can turn your Christian life from Impossible to POSSIBLE!

For the video of this sermon, click [here].

If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, and would like more information about how to become a Christian, please call Champion Forest Baptist Church. They would be more than willing to pray with you. Call (281) 440-3800.

If you do not have a church home, consider visiting Champion Forest. They offer both English and Spanish services on Sunday morning and throughout the week. Visit their website  for more information.

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