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June 16, 2014

Title: The GOP Needs More Jewish Congressman
Topic: People of Jewish Heritage and US Politics
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Part 1 of 2

Now that Eric Cantor has been defeated, what will happen to the land of Israel? His defeat is receiving a lot of buzz not only in the US, but also in Israel.

David Rubin discusses why so many Jews still vote Democrat and the importance of having a Jewish GOP member in Congress.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: People of Jewish Heritage and US Politics
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

The Democrat Party has NOT been good for the land of Israel. Politicians, the media, and even Hollywood celebrities say awful things about Jews. They side with the “Palestinians”. They say Israeli soldiers are “murdering children”. This could not be further from the truth.

Voters really need to research political candidates’ records before they vote – for both parties. Listen in as David Rubin, the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, gives his opinion on the issue.

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