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April 1, 2014

Title: Reclaiming Conservatism
Topic: Reclaiming Conservatism
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Part 1 of 2

Ronald Reagan was able to unite three distinct groups across America: the war hawks, the pro-business leaders, and the religious right. These groups were often called “The Moral Majority”, those wanting a strong defense, lower taxes and family value. They were social conservatives.

Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society, explains what Ronald Reagan was able to do with the support of these three groups. He also discusses some of the differences between Bush 41 and Bush 43.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Reclaiming Conservatism
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

The big business elites want to stop discussing social and religious issues. They avoid pro-life and pro-family talk like the plague.

Ken Connor recently attended a CPAC conference in WDC. 46 percent of the attendees where under the age of 25. Their topic of conversation at CPAC centered on economic issues. Listen in as Ken describes the attitudes and beliefs of the under 25 group of attendees.

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