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February 21, 2014

Title: Our Daughters are in Danger
Topic: Violence and Self-Harm
Discussed by Elayne Bennett
with Author

Part 1 of 3

Parents, how well do you know your daughter’s friends? What about her boyfriend?

Twenty-two percent of young girls in the United States experience some form of partner violence, putting them at higher risk of depression, poor school performance, substance abuse, self-harm, and other types of violence.

Elayne Bennett serves a member of the Ethics, Religion, and Public Policy task force of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. She advises parents and even grandparents to be actively involved in their teen’s life.

Listen in to hear more information about this new disturbing “trend” of self-harm our teenage daughters are doing.

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: Violence and Self-Harm
Discussed by Elayne Bennett
with Author

February is Dating Violence Prevention Month. Physical abuse in relationships is starting younger and younger – even as young as 11 years old! And many of these young girls continue to stay with their abuser.

Elayne Bennett warns that not all the blame should be placed on the boyfriend. Many times, they are in a crisis as well.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Violence and Self-Harm
Discussed by Elayne Bennett
with Author

Bill O’Reilly, anchor, Fox News Channel, says this of Elayne Bennett’s new book: “There is no higher calling than protecting America’s children. In “Daughter’s in Danger”, Elayne Bennett does just that in a vivid way.”

Parents, home time is critical. Be involved, invite your teen’s friends over, ask questions.

Remember, you are not your child’s best friend; you are her parent.

You find a copy of Elayne’s book on Amazon or your local bookstore.

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