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November 11, 2013

Title: Volunteers vs. Paid Political Workers: We are Betting Our Life on the Outcome!
Topic: Volunteers vs. Paid Workers
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Recently, Greg Abbott, the current Texas Attorney General and candidate for Governor, addressed a crowd of Conservative activists. He stated that the Democrats have 2,500 paid workers in the State working to turn Texas blue.

He went on to state that he would take our crop of volunteers over a group of paid workers. I disagree.

If 2,500 paid workers only register two new voters a day, five days a week, four weeks a month, for twelve months, that amounts to 1,200,000 NEW registered voters. And they know how to turn their voters out on Election Day. We are in trouble, my friends. Listen in for more.

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