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September 5, 2013

Title: Six Tips for the New School Year
Topic: Education Tips
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Part 1 of 2

Impact the next generation by impacting your children and grandchild.  Eric Buehrer shares Six Tips (Habits) to form for this new school year:

    1. Pray regularly for your children’s (grandchildren’s) teachers.
    2. Bless the teacher with an encouraging note.
    3. Teach your children discernment.

Help your children learn to think critically. Predict what they may learn and pre-teach your perspective on the topic. You are allowed to read their textbooks.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Education Tips
Discussed by Eric Buehrer
with Gateways to Better Education

Impact the next generation by impacting your children and grandchild. Eric Buehrer shares Six Tips (Habits) to form for this new school year:

        4. Inform your children of their freedom of religious expression when they are at school. This list is on the Organization’s website: Students can pray and read their Bibles at school. Students can organize prayer groups and announce their meetings. Students can express their faith in their class work and homework. Visit the Organization’s website and print the entire list.
        5. Encourage your children to pray each morning at school. A list of prayer cards is available on the website.
        6. Be an encouragement to the Christian teachers at school.

And Much, Much, More…

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