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September 13, 2013

Title: Must the Conservative Movement be Rebuilt in Texas?
Topic: Jobs For Texans
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Part 1 of 2

Must the Conservative movement be rebuilt in Texas? And if so, why?

Tom Pauken, candidate for Texas Governor, will be speaking at the National Federation of Republican Assemblies national Convention in Fort Worth Saturday morning, September 14.

Tom will be at the Hyatt Regency DFW. For more details visit

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Jobs For Texans
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Rush was right. It is hard to beat Santa Clause. But Santa Clause is broke and someone needs to stand up and tell Texans the hard facts. Is Tom Pauken the man to do it?

Tom Pauken, candidate for Texas Governor, will be speaking at the National Federation of Republican Assemblies national Convention in Fort Worth Saturday morning, September 14.

Tom will be at the Hyatt Regency DFW. For more details visit

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August 20, 2013

Title: Holder-Obama Say No To More Jobs For Texans Part 1 of 2
Topic: Jobs For Texans
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Part 1 of 2

Candidate for Texas Governor Tom Pauken, asks Greg Abbott why he sides with Holder and Obama? Will Abbott’s decision cost Texans more jobs?

Obama and Holder helped Chicago based airlines but refuses to agree to the American Airlines merger with US Airways. Is this just another obvert decision to punish Texans for voting Republican? Why does Abbott side with the community organizers from Chicago?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Jobs For Texans
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Abbott holds hands with Eric Holder in stopping the merger of American Airlines with US Airways.

Conservatives adhere to free market principles. Helping Eric Holder veto the merger of two companies with plans to revive their business is not the action of someone who would implement conservative economic policies.

Are Texans tired of politicians picking winners and losers?

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