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July 16, 2013

Title: Tom Pauken Running for Governor
Topic: Texas Governor’s Race 2014
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Part 1 of 3

Ronald Reagan picked Tom Pauken.

Karl Rove picked Greg Abbott

Have you ever heard of Tom Pauken? Listen in….

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Texas Governor’s Race 2014
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Stating that Texans are tired of the Robin Hood Schooling funding scheme, Tom Pauken believes Texans are reading for new leadership.

Will the Austin insiders, big money interests and highly paid political consultants continue to exercise a dominant role in this era of Texas politics? Tom Pauken again states: “It is time for new leadership.”

Have you ever heard of Tom Pauken? Listen in…

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Texas Governor’s Race 2014
Discussed by Tom Pauken
with Tom Pauken For Texas

Tom Pauken is calling upon Greg Abbott to engage with him in a series of Lincoln-Douglas style debates and community forums across the state so voters can understand the different views of how the Republican Party should govern.

Will Tom Pauken be able to compete effectively against Attorney General Greg Abbott and capture enough money to become the next governor of the State of Texas?

Have you ever heard of Tom Pauken? Listen in…

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