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April 7, 2014

Title: How Much Do You Owe?
Topic: National Debt Will Bury America
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 3

There are a lot of people who live in America. The latest numbers from the census bureau reveal that approximately 317 million souls are living within our borders. These numbers include 93% native or naturalized citizens. The other 7 percent are people who are non-citizens, but are here legally, such as foreign students on visas.

We all know that there are not 317 million people currently living in the United States. That number is significantly higher when you factor in all the illegal aliens spread across the states.

Pete Sepp, VP of Communications with the National Taxpayers Union, discusses exactly how many “citizens” pay taxes in excess to the amount they receive in benefits (credits) – only about 91.7 million tax filers become taxpayers.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: National Debt Will Bury America
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

America’s current national debt is a whopping $17.54 trillion. $17,054,000,000,000.00. That is a lot of zeroes. The national debt has risen significantly under the Presidency of Barack Obama. It continues to increase monthly, daily, weekly – even by the minute.

How much would each citizen need to pay – right now, today – to pay off the national debt? How much would each tax payer need to pay? Listen in as Pete Sepp discusses some startling figures.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: National Debt Will Bury America
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Pete Sepp continues talking money and figures. Right now, the top 50% of tax payers earn more than $34,800. The top 25% earn more than $70,000.

Each taxpayer (you and your spouse filing jointly count as one taxpayer) owes $191,275.89 and growing without adding interest. On a 30-year note, your payment without interest, would be $531 per month.

The government will need to sell a lot of weed to pay off our debt! (Tongue in cheek, people! I am NOT advocating the sale of marijuana as a way to fix our rising national debt debacle.) The IRS should be required to send a postcard invoice to every taxpayer 45 days before every federal election.

Log on to for more information on this and other tax issues.

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June 10, 2013

Title: Considering Downsizing Your Home? Don’t…But Why?
Topic: National Debt Will Bury America
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Let’s all get a wheelbarrow and go to the end of the “bridge to nowhere” and scoop up our share of what the government is spending.

Challenge: research for yourself all those who hold the U.S. National Debt. Who will be willing to just forgive the U.S. Government and say, “U.S. Government, you don’t have to pay us back”. No one! Everyone will want to get their investments back.

Japan had an entire ‘lost decade’. American will have hers. If you are thinking about downsizing now that all the kids are all off to college…they will be back…with their families…so you will need the room.

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