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January 4, 2013

Title: Save The Earth! Kill More Humans.
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Part 1 of 4

Please take a moment to educate our listeners on the early eco-terrorists discussed in your new book Eco-Tyranny.

Celebrated television science reporter and meteorologist, Brian Sussman, joins us again discussing President Obama’s job killing policies. Obama’s Policies: price electric rates higher and higher; if coal fired electric plants go bankrupt, that’s a good thing; allow China and Cuba to drill near our Florida coast, but forbid American firms for developing new fields.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Why did you give up your lucrative career for what you are doing now?

Do you believe that the majority of meteorologists believe like you do - but are afraid of losing their jobs?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Discuss for a minute how the UN radicals are wanting to control America through UN mandates about the environment!

Are people being successfully "green washed"? Is it child abuse when twelve year olds are taught to believe that humans shouldn't exist?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Is the environmental movement that your discuss in your book all about clean air and clean water? What are some solutions discussed in your book?

Are any of the environmental worries based on science? Explain to our listeners what happening in California with the dams and how a breadbasket of America will go to waste.

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November 9, 2012

Title: As Predicted: Gore Blames Hurricane On YOU!
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Part 1 of 2

Brian, you call people who cry "global warming is to blame" money hungry charlatans. How did you come to this conclusion?

What do you have to say in response to Al Gore's claims that the water in the ocean is warmer than usual due to "our continual use of fossil fuels"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

How can Al Gore and others claim that "global warming" is now, in the year 2012, causing more significant hurricane systems with more catastrophic effects?

Why are all these tree-hugging, recycling vegans suddenly shouting "stop polluting the earth so we won't have hurricanes anymore" How do they explain the massive amount of snow that was dumped from a HURRICANE? How about global COOLING?

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May 10, 2012

Title: Save The Earth! Kill More Humans.
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Part 1 of 4

Please take a moment to educate our listeners on the early eco-terrorists discussed in your new book Eco-Tyranny.

Celebrated television science reporter and meteorologist, Brian Sussman, joins us again discussing President Obama’s job killing policies. Obama’s Policies: price electric rates higher and higher; if coal fired electric plants go bankrupt, that’s a good thing; allow China and Cuba to drill near our Florida coast, but forbid American firms for developing new fields.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Why did you give up your lucrative career for what you are doing now?

Do you believe that the majority of meteorologists believe like you do - but are afraid of losing their jobs?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Discuss for a minute how the UN radicals are wanting to control America through UN mandates about the environment!

Are people being successfully "green washed"? Is it child abuse when twelve year olds are taught to believe that humans shouldn't exist?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Eco-Tyranny
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Is the environmental movement that your discuss in your book all about clean air and clean water? What are some solutions discussed in your book?

Are any of the environmental worries based on science? Explain to our listeners what happening in California with the dams and how a breadbasket of America will go to waste.

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