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November 4, 2011

Title: Get Smart --- Body Talk and Credit Cards
Topic: Body Language and Bargainomics
Discussed by Judy Woodward Bates
with Bargainomics (

Part 1 of 4

Does the way I look at anybody, or the way I fail to look at anybody, speak so loudly that the words I speak are not heard?

Why are you compelled to write this daily devotional to begin with?

In one devotional, Jesus spoke of the two people that pray, the sinner and the Pharisee. How is it that you tied in body language with that?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Body Language and Bargainomics
Discussed by Judy Woodward Bates
with Bargainomics (

If I go home, pull the chair up to the counter, purposely/consciously not fold my arms, lock onto my wife’s eyes, listen to every word she says and really respond to what she saying - how far will that go to showing her that I really love her?

What is the difference in leaning forward and leaning backward when “engaged” in conversation? Does my body language indicate not only IF I am interested in what they are saying, but WHO they are as a person? Is a lack of eye contact offensive?

Why were you inspired to write about the “two who prayed?” Does it stem from your real life experience?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Body Language and Bargainomics
Discussed by Judy Woodward Bates
with Bargainomics (

Because I don’t want to be attacked by a MONSTER credit card bill this next year, what statistics, and words of wisdom do you have?

What 1-2-3 should we ABSOLUTELY do to make sure we don’t pay for our credit card for 25 more years? How to prepare?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Body Language and Bargainomics
Discussed by Judy Woodward Bates
with Bargainomics (

When making your gift list, would you spend more on your coworker or grandchild?

What are more ideas to unify the adults in our families to exchange names, OR pull money together and donate to a church, give to someone who lost their home in a fire or flood, to a cause that NEEDS it?

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