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September 12, 2011

Title: Should the U.S. Postal Service Be Replaced With Private Mail Delivery?
Topic: U.S. Postal Service
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 2

The U.S. Postal Service is 8 to 10 billion dollars in the red.

The average postal worker makes $80,000 in compensation plus benefits.

No wonder the postal system keeps losing money. Their labor costs are too high. No private business could stay in business with such labor costs.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: U.S. Postal Service
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

If you prefer to keep the U. S. Postal Service, how would you reduce costs? Send us your ideas.

Pete Sepp suggests the following cost-cutting measures:
1. Close some facilities.
2. Cut Saturday deliveries
3. Raise price of first class stamp
4. Raise cost when using bulk-mailing discounts
5. With the average postal working making $80,000 in salary plus benefits, reduce labor costs by cutting wages and benefits

How would you cut costs…or would you simply close the entire federal postal system and open mail delivery to private enterprise?

Send us your suggestions.

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