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September 12, 2012

Title: Do We As Christians Have A Mandate To Bless Israeli Believers?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Part 1 of 3

How many times did you go to Israel not even thinking about the Israeli believers?

Did you go to the normal tourist spots?

When you went back with your eyes open, with a goal and eyes focused to meet Jewish believers - what made that trip different?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Tell us about the challenge that was presented to you, your answer, and then what happened next!

Tell our listeners about our biblical mandate to assist those fellow believers who have spiritual or spiritual needs in Israel.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

How was your life changed when a Jewish Christian from America said "lets meet believers in Jesus Christ who are in Israel, and that are suffering today"?

Briefly go through some ways that because of contributions from Americans, Blessing Israeli Believers has been able to bless Israeli believers.

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Title: Let Us Help The Living Stones!
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Tell us about the time when you invited Chaplain John McTernan to visit Israel - did it change his life?

Do we as Christians have a spiritual mandate to give offerings and aid to the believers in Israel? Explain to our listeners how Blessing Israeli Believers distributes funds!

Don, can you give our listeners a few more details about the banquets that Blessing Israel Believers will be hosting this September?

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August 15, 2012

Title: How Do You Serve Christ Inside and Outside The Walls of Your Church?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

When is your program? How long? What do you cover in 30 minutes? What special events will be occurring this September that will greatly and richly bless Israeli believers?

As a pastor, do you see many people saved outside the walls of the church who come BACK inside the walls to profess that faith? What is the problem?

Are there those that love, serve, and believe in Jesus Christ in Israel? Are we commanded to help Israeli believers?

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May 1, 2012

Title: Should a Christian Witness to a Muslim? How About Somebody of Jewish Heritage That is a Non Believer?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Don Schwarz answers:

Is it your responsibility to increase the awareness of mission opportunities not only in your church but in the community at large?

Should Christians witness to a Muslim? Should Christians witness to non believers of all ethnicities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Tell us more about the upcoming banquet! What is its purpose? What does it cost for a couple to attend?

How can our listeners help the suffering believers in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, in Israel?

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Title: Should Christians Witness to Non Believers of All Ethnicities in America and Abroad?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest John McTernan answers:

When did you begin to bless Israeli believers with your ministry? How did you get involved?

What is one thing people cannot do when in Heaven?

Are there many or very few believers in Israel?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

What does The Great Commission say? How does one take the gospel to Jerusalem?

Invite our listeners from across the nation to log onto your website to learn about the condition and ways to help, bless, and minister to the body in Israel!

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Title: Should we as Christians respect "diversity", be tolerant, and keep our beliefs bottled inside the church?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Pastor Sonny Foraker
with Pearland First Baptist Church (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Sonny Foraker answers:

Should we as Christians respect "diversity", be tolerant, and keep our beliefs bottled inside the church and not speak it?

What is the real reason we ought to speak out and be unafraid?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Pastor Sonny Foraker
with Pearland First Baptist Church (

Why is it that you felt the need to get involved with the upcoming banquet?

Why is sending a million dollars to help out with the economic needs of Israel not sufficient? What is Jews for Jesus?

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April 26, 2012

Title: Do Believers in Israel Have Unmet Needs?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Don Schwarz answers:

Have you ever helped a friend or neighbor? Would you consider helping fellow believers in Israel?

Who led you to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord? What led you to be a pastor?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Don invites all in the listening area to attend a banquet that will be held May 17th, 2012 at Sagemont Church to raise awareness and support in Israeli believers who currently live in the Promised Land.

Don, are your banquets successful? Is the awareness that there are suffering believers in Israel increasing throughout America?

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October 4, 2011

Title: Blessing Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Are we compelled to help believers that live in Israel? Chaplin John McTernan is coming to Houston for a luncheon at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. We would like to invite pastors, lay leaders and others interested in blessing Israeli Believers to a free luncheon.

The Luncheon is this Friday, October 7, with registration beginning at 11:30 AM and concluding at 1:30 PM. Chaplin McTernan will be the keynote speaker with a mini-concert by Marty Goetz, Messianic Worship Leader and Recording Artist.

This free luncheon will be catered by Gringo’s Restaurant. Blessing Israeli Believers exists to uniquely bless and empower Israeli believers in Yeshua (Jesus) to be the shining light to all Israel and to the nations of the world.

Millions visit Israel every year and we have encouraged our listeners to visit Israel. Now we are encouraging everyone to minister to the ‘Believers’ living in Israel. For more in this and other current issues visit

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September 26, 2011

Title: Do Believers In Israel Have Unmet Needs?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Don invites Pastors, lay leaders, and all that would like to know more about blessing believers who live in the country of Israel to a free lunch October 7, at Sugar Creek Baptist Church.

The free luncheon begins at 11:30 AM and concludes at 1:30 PM and is sponsored by Blessing Israeli Believers.

Limited Seating so register today!

For all the details please log onto

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September 9, 2011

Title: Do Believers In Israel Have Unmet Needs?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Don invites Pastors, lay leaders, and all that would like to know more about blessing believers who live in the country of Israel to a free lunch October 7, at Sugar Creek Baptist Church.

The free luncheon begins at 11:30 and concludes at 1:30 and is sponsored by Blessing Israeli Believers.

Limited Seating so register today!

For all the details please log onto

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September 7, 2011

Title: Save That Date: 10-07-11 Please Be Our Guest For Lunch And Learn How To Bless Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Marty Goetz
with Marty Goetz (

An invitation to Pastors and all born again believers who love Israel: please be our guest for a free lunch and witness how Blessing Israeli Believers is blessing and uniquely empowering Israeli believers in Jesus.

Our guest, Marty Goetz, will present a mini-concert during the luncheon.

Chaplin John McTernan, founder of Blessing Israeli Believers, will be the keynote speaker.

For all the details of for this free luncheon please log onto

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August 17, 2011

Title: Do Believers In Israel Have Unmet Needs
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Millions and millions of dollars flow from Christians into Israel. But almost none of it goes to Believers. What’s wrong with this picture?

Pastors and all other born again believers who love Israel are invited to an upcoming free luncheon to learn more about the organization, Blessing Israeli Believers.

The Free Luncheon will be Friday, October 7 at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. For all the details and to RSVP log onto or call 713.624.0943.

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August 16, 2011

Title: Reporting From Israel Is Don Schwarz, Mission’s Pastor From Pearland First Baptist
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Reporting on his meetings with believers in Israel, Pastor Don Schwarz gives us an eyewitness report on their persecutions and their hardships.

Have you ever wondered if there are any believers currently living in Israel? And if so, are they accepted? Do they face persecution and hardships? Millions and millions of dollars flow from churches and Christian organizations into Israel each year with very few dollars arriving to assist believers and their church leaders.

To find out more about the organization, Blessing Israeli Believers, you are invited to a free luncheon that will be held at Sugar Creek Baptist Church on Wednesday, October 7.

Log onto their website for all the details and to pre-register:

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August 5, 2011

Title: Do Believers In Israel Have Unmet Needs?
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Millions and millions of dollars flow from Christians into Israel. But almost none of it goes to Believers. What’s wrong with this picture?

Pastors and all other born again believers who love Israel are invited to an upcoming free luncheon to learn more about the organization, Blessing Israeli Believers.

The Free Luncheon will be Friday, October 7 at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. For all the details and to RSVP log onto  or call 713.624.0943.

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July 13, 2011

Title: Blessing Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Pastor Sonny Foraker
with Pearland First Baptist Church (

The Senior Pastor at Pearland First Baptist Church, Dr. Sonny Foraker, joins us today inviting our listeners to a Free Luncheon they are hosting for a new organization, Blessing Israeli Believers.

Pastor Foraker makes this special announcement:

Attention Pastors, lay leaders and all others interested in Blessing Israeli Believers: Christians from all walks are invited to an upcoming luncheon featuring Chaplin John McTernan, the founder of Blessing Israeli Believers.

Are Christians compelled to assist Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) who live in the biblical heartland – Israel?

Sagemont Church is the venue….Pearland First Baptist is the host…Gringo’s is the caterer.

Pastors, lay leaders and all interested in Blessing Israeli Believers are invited to attend this luncheon on Thursday, July 14 at Sagemont Church. Terry Lowry, the Host of the What’s UP Radio Program and Chaplin John McTernan invite you to be their guests to learn more about Blessing Israeli Believers.

To RSVP as our guest to this Luncheon on Thursday July 14th at Sagemont, call 832.878.0756 or RSVP on the website  for Blessing Israeli Believers.

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July 8, 2011

Title: Blessing Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Pastor Sonny Foraker
with Pearland First Baptist Church (

The Senior Pastor at Pearland First Baptist Church, Dr. Sonny Foraker, joins us today inviting our listeners to a Free Luncheon they are hosting for a new organization, Blessing Israeli Believers.

Pastor Foraker makes this special announcement:

Attention Pastors, lay leaders and all others interested in Blessing Israeli Believers: Christians from all walks are invited to an upcoming luncheon featuring Chaplin John McTernan, the founder of Blessing Israeli Believers.

Are Christians compelled to assist Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) who live in the biblical heartland – Israel?

Sagemont Church is the venue….Pearland First Baptist is the host…Gringo’s is the caterer.

Pastors, lay leaders and all interested in Blessing Israeli Believers are invited to attend this luncheon on Thursday, July 14 at Sagemont Church. Terry Lowry, the Host of the What’s UP Radio Program and Chaplin John McTernan invite you to be their guests to learn more about Blessing Israeli Believers.

To RSVP as our guest to this Luncheon on Thursday July 14th at Sagemont, call 832.878.0756 or RSVP on the website  for Blessing Israeli Believers.

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July 7, 2011

Title: The Plight of Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Part 1 of 2

What do the scriptures say about Blessing Israeli Believers? Have you considered blessing (helping) those who live in the Promise Land who also believe that Jesus Christ came, God incarnate, walked the roads of the biblical lands, was arrested, crucified, died, buried and on the third day, rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of God?

Did Paul admonish believers not to forget the believers in Jerusalem? After traveling several times to Israel Chaplin McTernan met some Israeli believers. He witnessed the plight of many Israeli believers and now travels throughout America encouraging American believers to consider helping Israeli believers.

Learn more at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

The Goal, the Mission of Blessing Israeli Believers is to help Israeli believers physically, materially, and spiritually. Chaplin McTernan invites our Houston area listeners to join him for a free lunch to learn more about Blessing Israeli Believers.

Are Israeli believers being persecuted in the county of Israel? Listen in to learn more.
For our listeners outside the Houston area, we encourage you to place Israeli believers on your prayer list. Maybe you would like Chaplin McTernan to come to speak to your church or organization.

Contact Chaplin John at

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Title: Our Listeners are invited to a free lunch to learn more about how to become a part of Blessing Israeli Believers!
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Don Schwarz

Don joins us today to make a special announcement:

Attention Pastors, lay leaders and all others interested in Blessing Israeli Believers: Christians from all walks are invited to an upcoming luncheon featuring Chaplin John McTernan, the founder of Blessing Israeli Believers.

Are Christians compelled to assist Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) who live in the biblical heartland – Israel?

Sagemont Church is the venue….Pearland First Baptist is the host…Gringo’s is the caterer.

Pastors, lay leaders and all interested in Blessing Israeli Believers are invited to attend this luncheon on Thursday, July 14 at Sagemont Church. Terry Lowry, the Host of the What’s UP Radio Program and Chaplin John McTernan invite you to be their guests to learn more about Blessing Israeli Believers.

To RSVP as our guest to this Luncheon on Thursday July 14th at Sagemont, call 832.878.0756 or RSVP on the website  for Blessing Israeli Believers.

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June 20, 2011

Title: Blessing Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Daniel Goldstein
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Daniel Goldstein, reporting from an undisclosed location in Israel, reports on what is happening in Israel. He further discusses the push by the Palestinians and the UN for a unilateral statehood for Palestine. Mr. Goldstein also reports on the needs of the believers in Jesus Christ who live in the country of Israel and how we can Bless Israel Believers Log onto

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June 16, 2011

Title: Blessing Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Are we compelled to help believers that live in Israel? Chaplin John McTernan is coming to Houston for a luncheon at Sagemont Church. We would like to invite pastors, lay leaders and others interested in blessing Israeli Believers to a free luncheon. This free luncheon will be catered by Gringo’s Restaurant. Blessing Israeli Believers exists to uniquely bless and empower Israeli believers in Yeshua (Jesus) to be the shining light to all Israel and to the nations of the world. Millions visit Israel every year and we have encouraged our listeners to visit Israel. Now we are encouraging everyone to minister to the ‘Believers’ living in Israel. For more in this and other current issues visit

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June 13, 2011

Title: Blessing Israeli Believers
Topic: Blessing Israeli Believers
Discussed by Chaplain John McTernan
with Blessing Israeli Believers (

Are we compelled to help believers that live in Israel? Chaplin John McTernan is coming to Houston for a luncheon at Sagemont Church. We would like to invite pastors, lay leaders and others interested in blessing Israeli Believers to a free luncheon. This free luncheon will be catered by Gringo’s Restaurant. Blessing Israeli Believers exists to uniquely bless and empower Israeli believers in Yeshua (Jesus) to be the shining light to all Israel and to the nations of the world. Millions visit Israel every year and we have encouraged our listeners to visit Israel. Now we are encouraging everyone to minister to the ‘Believers’ living in Israel. For more in this and other current issues visit

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