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March 2, 2012

Title: The Truth From A Birds Eye View; The Story of a Journalist From The Holy Land.
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ben-Dror Yemini
with Journalists

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Ben-Dror Yemini answers:

Tell us about your profession and what is it like working in Israel.  Is Israel as bad and dangerous a place to live as the media make it out to be?

What is the life expectancy in Israel?  What changes inside Israel have you witnessed since 1984?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ben-Dror Yemini
with Journalists

Like a flower watered in the desert, Israel is prospering; but how is life for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank?

Tell us the real truth behind the "occupation" and why is there a wall built - was it to keep the Palestinians from work?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ben-Dror Yemini
with Journalists

Is having two states the only option that will guarantee the survival of Israel? Did the neighboring Arab countries accept the Arab refugees from Israel?

How many Jews were forced out of Arab countries? Why are there no refugees left?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Ben-Dror Yemini
with Journalists

How does the Arab world perpetuate the refugee problem?  Does this treatment have anything to do with Israel?

How does a country like Israel negotiate with a country like Iran?  How many Arabs and Muslims have been killed by Arabs and Muslims since the foundation of Israel?

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December 17, 2008

Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Dan Sernoffsky
with Journalists

Charles Ponzi “invented” the PONZI SCHEME. Who was he and how did he do it? Did Franklin Delano Roosevelt emulate Charles Ponzi and are our Congressmen and our US Senators doing the same thing today? Guest Dan Sernoffsky is an award winning journalist.

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February 14, 2005

Title: A Hand-Up or a Hand-Out - which is better?
Topic: Affordable Housing
Discussed by Allen Jones
with Journalists

Upper middle-income home owners oppose the construction of an Affordable Housing complex saying it will cause: 1) their property values to decrease 2) bring in riff-raff 3) hurt their children's educational opportunities. What's the truth?

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Title: Affordable Housing Complex Deserves a Chance
Topic: Affordable Housing
Discussed by Mark Quick
with Journalists

Editor of the local newspaper, the Potpourri (, airs his views on helping others. Jesus said, "When you give a cup of cold water in my name..." What are we called to do? What are we trying to teach our children?

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January 25, 2005

Title: A Ponzi scheme that Charles would be proud of!
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Dan Sernoffsky
with Journalists

Charles Ponzi 'invented' the PONZI SCHEME. Who was he and how did he do it? Did Franklin Delano Roosevelt emulate Charles Ponzi and are our Congressmen and our US Senators doing the same thing?

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