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February 26, 2020

Title: Why You Should Go To Church – Even When You Don’t Want To.
Topic: Go To Church
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Part 1 of 3

Have you or someone you know stopped going to church? For one reason or another, church has taken a backseat.

Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker with over 30 years’ experience as a mom, mentor, and pastor’s wife. Today, she has “10 Reasons to Go to Church (Even When You Don't Feel Like It).

Rhonda will be the guest speaker during the Baytown Women’s Church Retreat March 20-22. Click here  for more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some go to church to hear the preaching of the Word? Rhonda talks about a lesbian woman she met who was longing for something more, started going to church, heard the Word, and got saved! Amen! She also encourages members to seek out visitors – make them feel welcome! Don’t just sit in your own little bubble.

Do some go to church to participate in corporate worship? Rhonda warns church-goers to not make worship “entertainment”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why You Should Go To Church – Even When You Don’t Want To.
Topic: Go To Church
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Rhonda will be the guest speaker during the Baytown Women’s Church Retreat March 20-22. Click here  for more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some go to church because iron sharpens iron? Rhonda stresses the importance of community among believers.

Do some go to church to exercise their gift? Rhonda doesn’t believe this isn’t necessarily a bad thing! But make sure you’re serving for the right reasons!

Do some go to church to encourage their pastor? Rhonda uses Paul’s writings in Philippians as an example of how to encourage your pastor. Make it a point to encourage your pastor every time you see them.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why You Should Go To Church – Even When You Don’t Want To.
Topic: Go To Church
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Rhonda will be the guest speaker during the Baytown Women’s Church Retreat March 20-22. Click here  for more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some go to church to bear another’s burden? Rhonda believes this is so important. This goes along with “iron sharpens iron”: community matters.

For the rest of Rhonda’s “10 Reasons to Go to Church – Even When You Don’t Feel Like It”, click here.

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February 11, 2020

Title: Why You Should Go To Church – Even When You Don’t Want To.
Topic: Go To Church
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Part 1 of 3

Have you or someone you know stopped going to church? For one reason or another, church has taken a backseat.

Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker with over 30 years’ experience as a mom, mentor, and pastor’s wife. Today, she has “10 Reasons to Go to Church (Even When You Don't Feel Like It).

Rhonda will be the guest speaker during the Baytown Women’s Church Retreat March 20-22. Click here  for more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some go to church to hear the preaching of the Word? Rhonda talks about a lesbian woman she met who was longing for something more, started going to church, heard the Word, and got saved! Amen! She also encourages members to seek out visitors – make them feel welcome! Don’t just sit in your own little bubble.

Do some go to church to participate in corporate worship? Rhonda warns church-goers to not make worship “entertainment”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why You Should Go To Church – Even When You Don’t Want To.
Topic: Go To Church
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Rhonda will be the guest speaker during the Baytown Women’s Church Retreat March 20-22. Click here  for more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some go to church because iron sharpens iron? Rhonda stresses the importance of community among believers.

Do some go to church to exercise their gift? Rhonda doesn’t believe this isn’t necessarily a bad thing! But make sure you’re serving for the right reasons!

Do some go to church to encourage their pastor? Rhonda uses Paul’s writings in Philippians as an example of how to encourage your pastor. Make it a point to encourage your pastor every time you see them.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why You Should Go To Church – Even When You Don’t Want To.
Topic: Go To Church
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Rhonda will be the guest speaker during the Baytown Women’s Church Retreat March 20-22. Click here  for more details.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do some go to church to bear another’s burden? Rhonda believes this is so important. This goes along with “iron sharpens iron”: community matters.

For the rest of Rhonda’s “10 Reasons to Go to Church – Even When You Don’t Feel Like It”, click here.

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March 2, 2018

Title: Love Orchestrated by God
Topic: Love, Marriage, and Family
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Part 1 of 2

WARNING: Ladies (and guys) you may want to grab some tissues while listening to the segments with Rhonda Stoppe.

We are all drawn to love stories. They give us hope and inspire us to believe in true love.

Author and speaker Rhonda Stoppe has given us some great advice on marriage on past programs. Today, she offers even more insight for “Real-Life Romance”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Rhonda believe in true love?

Listen as Terry Lowry shares his own personal love story of how he met his wife, Kathy.

Are marriages worth it in a world of broken relationships and hurting people?

Rhonda shares about another new book coming soon “The Marriage Mentor” that she wrote with her husband Steve.

BONUS QUESTION: Why did Rhonda’s husband, Steve, cook over 10,000 hot dogs in one year?!?!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Love Orchestrated by God
Topic: Love, Marriage, and Family
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Rhonda warn Christians not to let the world define romance, love, relationships, marriage, and throw-away spouses?

Listen as Rhonda shares a sweet story about her son, Tony. Hint: It’s not about romance, but it is about love!

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July 8, 2016

Title: If MY Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy…And Other Myths Wives Believe
Topic: If my Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Part 1 of 3

Rhonda Stoppe is the “No Regrets Woman. She has more than twenty years of experience as a marriage mentor, pastor's wife, author, and speaker. Rhonda uses sound Biblical teaching through humor and honest communication, teaching us how to apply God's word to live boldly through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Today, Rhonda will be discussing her newest book, “If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Rhonda ever disagree with her husband? How do they resolve those disagreements?

What years were the most difficult for Rhonda and her husband? Listen in as she tells the story of their early years in marriage and how anger and jealousy nearly got the best of her. Don’t worry – she’s still happily married, so it all turned out alright!

Rhonda believes that it is vital for every young, married woman to have a mentor in an older, married woman. They truly know what it’s like and can give the best advice when needed. She calls them “Titus 2 Women”. NOTE: Men, this is great advice for you, too!

Rhonda also points out that her book, “If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe”, that her book is different than most “marriage help” books. It’s not just written from her perspective; her husband adds insight to each chapter as well. “It’s not fast-food,” Rhonda states. “It is the Word of God that has to dwell in you richly.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - If MY Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy…And Other Myths Wives Believe
Topic: If my Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do others look at Rhonda’s marriage and comment on how lucky she is to be married to such a perfect man? (Cue the laughter!) Rhonda says that too many young women often enter into marriage believing myths and fairy tales. Life is not a fairy tale with a prince charming on a white horse. Only Jesus can satisfy us; all others fall short. Loving Jesus should be our ultimate goal.

How can couples stay in love? Romance has different definitions for men and women. Romance is also different after 10 years of marriage compared to one year of marriage. Listen in as Rhonda explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - If MY Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy…And Other Myths Wives Believe
Topic: If my Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy
Discussed by Rhonda Stoppe
with Rhonda Stoppe (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Rhonda Stoppe discusses the “10 Myths Wives Believe” from her book.

You can find all of Rhonda’s books here  including FREE audio excerpts of Rhonda discussing each chapter from her newest book, “If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe”.

In addition, acclaimed Christian music artists Matthew West and Phil Joel have personally endorsed Rhonda’s book, “Moms Raising Sons to be Men”. Use the above link to find more information on this book, as well.

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