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October 23, 2015

Title: Halloween Safety Tips
Topic: Safety Tips
Discussed by Laurie Nathan
with National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (

Laurie Nathan, with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, has some great tips parents can use to keep their kids safe this Halloween. First, on Halloween night and during any Fall Festivals, choose costumes that are bright in color. For added safety, attach reflective tape to the front and back of costumes and treat bags, have your children wear glow sticks, or carry a flashlight. Also, make sure your older children/teens who travel with a group of friends know the route they allowed to take. Under no circumstances should they stray from that route.

Younger children should always – always – be accompanied by a trusted adult and walked all the way up to the door. Laurie explains that even if you feel comfortable in your own neighborhood, it is just best to stay with them at all times. Laurie says the old adage of “stranger danger” doesn’t really apply anymore due to new data that suggests abductors are more often than not a family friend or someone your children know.

Never, ever let your children – even older children and teens – enter someone’s house without you present. Many people turn their homes into “haunted houses” on Halloween and teens will be very tempted to check them out with their friends. Stress the dangers of these situations with all your children, no matter their age. Tell them you’ll go back to the house with them if they really want to scream their heads off in fear for a few minutes!

As always, make sure your kids know your cell phone number and street address. Teach them to yell “NO” if they are ever uncomfortable. It’s okay to hit, scream, and kick someone if they feel threatened. If they are able, instruct them to just run away, screaming at the top of their lungs.

Click [here] for more tips on keeping your kids safe on Halloween and all year long.

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