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July 31, 2015

Title: Shocking Crime Statistic from Illegals
Topic: Illegal Aliens and Crime Rates
Discussed by Bob Mallory
with Pray for US (

Part 1 of 2

Illegal immigration is a hot topic right now. Here on The What’s UP Radio Program, we’ve been discussing the issue for years. It seems the rest of the country is now paying attention, mainly due to Donald Trump and his comments on the issue.

Everyone wants security. Everyone wants to feel safe. Nobody wants to be the victim of a horrible crime, but sometimes it just happens. Now, we aren’t saying that all illegal immigrants are criminals – not by a long shot. However, Bob Mallory, with Pray for US (United States),  has some shocking figures to discuss with us today. He references an article on PJ Media to support this information.

Every year, up until 2008, the State Department released figures concerning human trafficking. Those numbers are no longer being reported! Why not? Did the drug cartels stop transporting people (primarily women and children) into the US to be sold into prostitution? I wish! Oh, how I wish. But that just isn’t the case, and now we don’t even know how bad it has really gotten.

The Facts: (from four years ago!!)

 - 25,064 illegal aliens are in American prisons for murder.
 - 14,788 are in prison for kidnapping.
 - 42,609 for robbery.
 - 115,045 for burglary.
 - 2,005 for arson.
 - 94,492 for weapons violations.
 - 81,710 for stealing cars.
 - 404,788 illegal aliens were in prison in 2010 for "traffic violations" meaning drunk driving.
 - 504,047 for narcotics violations.

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Shocking Crime Statistic from Illegals
Topic: Illegal Aliens and Crime Rates
Discussed by Bob Mallory
with Pray for US (

Crimes committed by illegal aliens are on the rise. Would all the crime stop if the US decided to ship the illegal aliens who commit violent crimes back to their country of origin? Bob Mallory uses a story out of Forest Grove, Oregon, as an example, where two little girls were killed by an 18-year old illegal immigrant (a woman) who was drunk. This woman was supposed to be deported before this even happened! These two little girls would still be alive today if the authorities had just done their job!

We hear stories similar to this one almost daily. What can be done? Every other country in the world has very strict immigration laws. Why doesn’t the US? Contact your elected officials today and demand action now!

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