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June 18, 2015

Title: Call 2 Fall
Topic: Praying for America
Discussed by Reverend Pierre Bynum
with Call2Fall

On June 28, 2015, faithful Christians across America will be on their knees praying for our country. Since 2009, over 2 million Christians have answered the Call 2 Fall. Will you?

Our laws are built on the Bible. Our Constitution is built on the Bible. And our Sovereign God is the Supreme Judge of the world,” says Reverend Pierre Bynum. This is what Call 2 Fall is all about. He and others are convinced that America must fall before God and repent as the Scripture commands in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

There are still a lot of god-fearing Christians in America who well aware that our country is falling apart, but that number is decreasing daily. We celebrate the Fourth of July – the Independence of America – with more enthusiasm than our freedom from sin that we have received from Jesus Christ. Reverend Bynum tells a great story that few may have heard about the “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World”. Listen in!

For all the detail about Call 2 Fall on Sunday, June 28, 2015, please click [here]. 

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April 23, 2015

Title: Marriage is on Trial
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Reverend Pierre Bynum
with Call2Fall

Traditional marriage is on the chopping block. The future of traditional marriage is dependent upon the vote of nine Supreme Court Justices. Though marriage between a man and a woman has existed since the beginning and is the cornerstone of ordered society, the time-honored institution is in serious trouble.

Some argue that we are pushing the issue too hard. Some say we should just let gays marry. Some say there are more important issues to debate. Some say Jesus loves everyone and so should we.

Reverend Pierre Bynum says, “Our Founders were very careful to ensure that religious liberty was the first liberty and the cornerstone of all liberty.” Reverend Bynum believes that the push from the homosexuals is just the beginning. What they don’t realize is that they will ruin and destroy all liberties in America if they continue. Listen in as he explains his opinion.

God can change people’s hearts. There is no doubt about that. Please join Reverend Bynum as he prays for the Supreme Court Justices, our nation, and our future.

Click [here] to watch the video produced by the Family Research Council concerning the importance of traditional marriage. Pastors are encouraged to show the video to their congregation on April 26, 2015, urging them to pray for the upcoming hearing in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, April 28.

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June 30, 2011

Title: God’s Call2Fall on my knees Organized by the Family Research Council
Topic: Call 2 Fall
Discussed by Reverend Pierre Bynum
with Call2Fall

A Best of Interview: On July 3rd, all Christians are urged to fall on their knees in humility & seek God’s face in repentance so that He might forgive ‘our collective and individual’ sins and heal our land. Pierre Bynum, Director of Church Outreach with the Family Research Council, urges all to schedule a time to fall on our knees and humbly pray and seek God’s face on July 3.

Learn more at .

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June 24, 2011

Title: God’s Call2Fall on my knees Organized by the Family Research Council
Topic: Call 2 Fall
Discussed by Reverend Pierre Bynum
with Call2Fall

On July 3rd, all Christians are urged to fall on their knees in humility & seek God’s face in repentance so that He might forgive ‘our collective and individual’ sins and heal our land. Pierre Bynum, Director of church outreach with the Family Research Council, urges all to schedule a time to fall on our knees and humbly pray and seek God’s face on July 3.

Learn more at .

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