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February 26, 2015

Title: Are Low Gas Prices Really Bad?
Topic: Oil and Gas Prices
Discussed by Wade Slome
with Sidoxia Capital Management (

Is the falling price of oil a good thing or a bad thing? While lower gas prices are positive for the economy, Wade Slome, with Sidoxia Capital Management, says it is definitely having a negative effect on the oil industry. What does this mean for the future, though?

Oil accounts for less than ten percent of the global economy, but in cities like Houston, it is much, much higher; much more important for companies and families alike. Airlines, retail, transportation industries are effected, too. Listen in as Wade explains how it even effects our electric, water, and grocery bills.

How is this effecting other countries? Are they being effected positively or negatively? Wade Slome believes that Obama should immediately sign legislation allowing the United States to export oil and gas to foreign countries. But, why? What’s in it for us?

We’ve experienced high gas prices before. And we survived! Americans can adjust their budgets once again if oil prices rise. Will it have the same effect on the economy, though? Listen in as Wade gives his opinion.

To learn more about Wade Slome and Sidoxia Capital Management, click [here].

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